Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 01: Childhood eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 255 pages of information about Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 01.

Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 01: Childhood eBook

Giacomo Casanova
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 255 pages of information about Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 01.

The principal duty of the prefect was to take care that no pupil should go and sleep with one of his comrades, for such a visit was never supposed an innocent one.  It was a cardinal sin, and, bed being accounted the place for sleep and not for conversation, it was admitted that a pupil who slept out of his own bed, did so only for immoral purposes.  So long as he stopped in his own bed, he could do what he liked; so much the worse for him if he gave himself up to bad practices.  It has been remarked in Germany that it is precisely in those institutions for young men in which the directors have taken most pains to prevent onanism that this vice is most prevalent.

Those who had framed the regulations in our seminary were stupid fools, who had not the slightest knowledge of either morals or human nature.  Nature has wants which must be administered to, and Tissot is right only as far as the abuse of nature is concerned, but this abuse would very seldom occur if the directors exercised proper wisdom and prudence, and if they did not make a point of forbidding it in a special and peculiar manner; young people give way to dangerous excesses from a sheer delight in disobedience,—­a disposition very natural to humankind, since it began with Adam and Eve.

I had been in the seminary for nine or ten days, when one night I felt someone stealing very quietly in my bed; my hand was at once clutched, and my name whispered.  I could hardly restrain my laughter.  It was my friend, who, having chanced to wake up and finding that the lantern was out, had taken a sudden fancy to pay me a visit.  I very soon begged him to go away for fear the prefect should be awake, for in such a case we should have found ourselves in a very unpleasant dilemma, and most likely would have been accused of some abominable offence.  As I was giving him that good advice we heard someone moving, and my friend made his escape; but immediately after he had left me I heard the fall of some person, and at the same time the hoarse voice of the prefect exclaiming: 

“Ah, villain! wait until to-morrow—­until to-morrow!”

After which threat he lighted the lantern and retired to his couch.

The next morning, before the ringing of the bell for rising, the rector, followed by the prefect, entered the dormitory, and said to us: 

“Listen to me, all of you.  You are aware of what has taken place this last night.  Two amongst you must be guilty; but I wish to forgive them, and to save their honour I promise that their names shall not be made public.  I expect every one of you to come to me for confession before recess.”

He left the dormitory, and we dressed ourselves.  In the afternoon, in obedience to his orders, we all went to him and confessed, after which ceremony we repaired to the garden, where my friend told me that, having unfortunately met the prefect after he left me, he had thought that the best way was to knock him down, in order to get time to reach his own bed without being known.

Project Gutenberg
Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 01: Childhood from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.