Mr Foreson!
Foreson. [Re-appearing] Sir?
Vane. Tell Miller to come down.
Foreson. Electrics! Mr Blewitt Vane wants to speak to you. Come down!
Vane. Tell Herbert to sit in that chair.
[Foreson walks straight out into the Right wings.]
Mr Foreson!
Foreson. [Re-appearing] Sir?
Vane. Don’t go off the stage. [Foreson mutters.]
[Electrics appears
from the wings, Stage Left. He is a dark,
thin-faced man with
rather spikey hair.]
Electrics. Yes, Mr Vane?
Vane. Look!
Electrics. That’s what I’d got marked, Mr Vane.
Vane. Once for all, what I want is the orchard in full moonlight, and the room dark except for the reading lamp. Cut off your front battens.
[Electrics withdraws
Left. Foreson walks off the Stage into the
Right wings.]
Mr Foreson!
Foreson. [Re-appearing] Sir?
Vane. See this marked right. Now, come on with it! I want to get some beauty into this!
[While he is speaking,
Herbert, the call boy, appears from the
wings Right, a mercurial
youth of about sixteen with a wide
Foreson. [Maliciously] Here you are, then, Mr Vane. Herbert, sit in that chair.
[Herbert sits an the armchair, with an air of perfect peace.]
Vane. Now! [All the lights go out. In a wail] Great Scott!
[A throaty chuckle from Foreson in the darkness. The light dances up, flickers, shifts, grows steady, falling on the orchard outside. The reading lamp darts alight and a piercing little glare from it strikes into the auditorium away from Herbert.]
[In a terrible voice] Mr Foreson.
Foreson. Sir?
Vane. Look—at—that—shade!
[Foreson mutters,
walks up to it and turns it round so that the
light shines on HERBERT’S
On his face, on his face!
[Foreson turns the light accordingly.]
Foreson. Is that what you want, Mr Vane?
Vane. Yes. Now, mark that!
Foreson. [Up into wings Right] Electrics!
Electrics. Hallo!
Foreson. Mark that!
Vane. My God!
[The blue suddenly becomes amber.]
[The blue returns.
All is steady. Herbert is seen diverting
himself with an imaginary
Mr Foreson.
Foreson. Sir?
Vane. Ask him if he’s got that?
Foreson. Have you got that?