The Little Man eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 25 pages of information about The Little Man.

The Little Man eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 25 pages of information about The Little Man.

Guess I’m wanted in the dining-car.

     [He vanishes.  The little man sits down again, but back to the
     engine, away from the draught, and looks out of the window,
     patiently jogging the baby On his knee.]



An arrival platform.  The little man, with the baby and the bundle, is standing disconsolate, while travellers pass and luggage is being carried by.  A station official, accompanied by a policeman, appears from a doorway, behind him.

Official. [Consulting telegram in his hand] ‘Das ist der Herr’.

     [They advance to the little man.]

Official.  ‘Sie haben einen Buben gestohlen’?

Little man.  I only speak English and American.

Official.  ‘Dies ist nicht Ihr Bube’?

     [He touches the Baby.]

Little man. [Shaking his head] Take care—­it’s ill.

     [The man does not understand.]

Ill—­the baby——­

Official. [Shaking his head] ‘Verstehe nicht’.  Dis is nod your baby? 

Little man. [Shaking his head violently] No, it is not.  No.

Official. [Tapping the telegram] Gut!  You are ’rested. [He signs to the policeman, who takes the little MAN’s arm.]

Little man.  Why?  I don’t want the poor baby.

Official. [Lifting the bundle] ’Dies ist nicht Ihr Gepack’—­pag?

Little Mary.  No.

Official.  Gut!  You are ’rested.

Little man.  I only took it for the poor woman.  I’m not a thief—­

Official. [Shaking head] Verstehe nicht.

     [The little man tries to tear his hair.  The disturbed baby

Little man. [Dandling it as best he can] There, there—­poor, poor!

Official.  Halt still!  You are ’rested.  It is all right.

Little man.  Where is the mother?

Official.  She comet by next drain.  Das telegram say:  ’Halt einen Herren mit schwarzem Buben and schwarzem Gepack’.  ’Rest gentleman mit black baby and black—­pag.

     [The little man turns up his eyes to heaven.]

Official.  ‘Komm mit us’.

     [They take the little man toward the door from which they have
     come.  A voice stops them.]

American. [Speaking from as far away as may be] Just a moment!

[The official stops; the little man also stops and sits down on a bench against the wall.  The policeman stands stolidly beside him.  The American approaches a step or two, beckoning; the official goes up to him.]

American.  Guess you’ve got an angel from heaven there!  What’s the gentleman in buttons for?

Project Gutenberg
The Little Man from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.