Guess I’m wanted in the dining-car.
[He vanishes.
The little man sits down again, but back
to the
engine, away from the
draught, and looks out of the window,
patiently jogging the
baby On his knee.]
An arrival platform. The little man, with the baby and the bundle, is standing disconsolate, while travellers pass and luggage is being carried by. A station official, accompanied by a policeman, appears from a doorway, behind him.
Official. [Consulting telegram in his hand] ‘Das ist der Herr’.
[They advance to the little man.]
Official. ‘Sie haben einen Buben gestohlen’?
Little man. I only speak English and American.
Official. ‘Dies ist nicht Ihr Bube’?
[He touches the Baby.]
Little man. [Shaking his head] Take care—it’s ill.
[The man does not understand.]
Ill—the baby——
Official. [Shaking his head] ‘Verstehe
nicht’. Dis is nod your baby?
Little man. [Shaking his head violently] No, it is not. No.
Official. [Tapping the telegram] Gut! You are ’rested. [He signs to the policeman, who takes the little MAN’s arm.]
Little man. Why? I don’t want the poor baby.
Official. [Lifting the bundle] ’Dies ist nicht Ihr Gepack’—pag?
Little Mary. No.
Official. Gut! You are ’rested.
Little man. I only took it for the
poor woman. I’m not a thief—
Official. [Shaking head] Verstehe nicht.
[The little man
tries to tear his hair. The disturbed baby
Little man. [Dandling it as best he can] There, there—poor, poor!
Official. Halt still! You are ’rested. It is all right.
Little man. Where is the mother?
Official. She comet by next drain. Das telegram say: ’Halt einen Herren mit schwarzem Buben and schwarzem Gepack’. ’Rest gentleman mit black baby and black—pag.
[The little man turns up his eyes to heaven.]
Official. ‘Komm mit us’.
[They take the little
man toward the door from which they have
come. A voice
stops them.]
American. [Speaking from as far away as may be] Just a moment!
[The official stops; the little man also stops and sits down on a bench against the wall. The policeman stands stolidly beside him. The American approaches a step or two, beckoning; the official goes up to him.]
American. Guess you’ve got an angel from heaven there! What’s the gentleman in buttons for?