Wanda. Wanda.
Keith. Are you fond of Larry?
Wanda. I would die for him!
[A moment’s silence.]
Keith. I—I’ve come to see what you can do to save him.
Wanda, [Wistfully] You would not deceive me. You are really his brother?
Keith. I swear it.
Wanda. [Clasping her hands] If I can save him! Won’t you sit down?
Keith. [Drawing up a chair and sitting] This, man, your—your husband, before he came here the night before last—how long since you saw him?
Wanda. Eighteen month.
Keith. Does anyone about here know you are his wife?
Wanda. No. I came here to live a bad life. Nobody know me. I am quite alone.
Keith. They’ve discovered who he was—you know that?
Wanda. No; I have not dared to go out.
Keith: Well, they have; and they’ll look for anyone connected with him, of course.
Wanda. He never let people think I was married to him. I don’t know if I was—really. We went to an office and signed our names; but he was a wicked man. He treated many, I think, like me.
Keith. Did my brother ever see him before?
Wanda. Never! And that man first went for him.
Keith. Yes. I saw the mark. Have you a servant?
Wanda. No. A woman come at nine in the morning for an hour.
Keith. Does she know Larry?
Wanda. No. He is always gone.
Keith. Friends—acquaintances?
Wanda. No; I am verree quiet. Since I know your brother, I see no one, sare.
Keith. [Sharply] Do you mean that?
Wanda. Oh, yes! I love him. Nobody come here but him for a long time now.
Keith. How long?
Wanda. Five month.
Keith. So you have not been out since——?
[Wanda shakes her head.]
What have you been doing?
Wanda. [Simply] Crying. [Pressing her hands to her breast] He is in danger because of me. I am so afraid for him.
Keith. [Checking her emotion] Look at me.
[She looks at him.]
If the worst comes, and this man is traced to you, can you trust yourself not to give Larry away?
Wanda. [Rising and pointing to the fire] Look! I have burned all the things he have given me—even his picture. Now I have nothing from him.
Keith. [Who has risen too] Good! One more question. Do the police know you—because—of your life?
[She looks at him intently, and shakes her, head.]
You know where Larry lives?
Wanda. Yes.