The Skin Game eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 100 pages of information about The Skin Game.

The Skin Game eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 100 pages of information about The Skin Game.

Chloe.  Father, don’t say anything to Charlie; it’ll only worry him for nothing.

Hornblower.  No, no, I’ll not.  If I went bankrupt, it’d upset Chearlie, I’ve not a doubt. [He laugh.  Looking at her shrewdly] There’s nothing else, before I answer her?

     [Chloe shakes her head.]

Ye’re sure?

Chloe. [With an efort] She may invent things, of course.

Hornblower. [Lost in his feud feeling] Ah! but there’s such a thing as the laws o’ slander.  If they play pranks, I’ll have them up for it.

Chloe. [Timidly] Couldn’t you stop this quarrel; father?  You said it was on my account.  But I don’t want to know them.  And they do love their old home.  I like the girl.  You don’t really need to build just there, do you?  Couldn’t you stop it?  Do!

Hornblower.  Stop it?  Now I’ve bought?  Na, no!  The snobs defied me, and I’m going to show them.  I hate the lot of them, and I hate that little Dawker worst of all.

Chloe.  He’s only their agent.

Hornblower.  He’s a part of the whole dog-in-the-manger system that stands in my way.  Ye’re a woman, and ye don’t understand these things.  Ye wouldn’t believe the struggle I’ve had to make my money and get my position.  These county folk talk soft sawder, but to get anything from them’s like gettin’ butter out of a dog’s mouth.  If they could drive me out of here by fair means or foul, would they hesitate a moment?  Not they!  See what they’ve made me pay; and look at this letter.  Selfish, mean lot o’ hypocrites!

Chloe.  But they didn’t begin the quarrel.

Hornblower.  Not openly; but underneath they did—­that’s their way.  They began it by thwartin’ me here and there and everywhere, just because I’ve come into me own a bit later than they did.  I gave ’em their chance, and they wouldn’t take it.  Well, I’ll show ’em what a man like me can do when he sets his mind to it.  I’ll not leave much skin on them.

[In the intensity of his feeling he has lost sight of her face, alive with a sort of agony of doubt, whether to plead with him further, or what to do.  Then, with a swift glance at her wristwatch, she falls back on the sofa and closes her eyes.]

It’ll give me a power of enjoyment seein’ me chimneys go up in front of their windies.  That was a bonnie thought—­that last bid o’ mine.  He’d got that roused up, I believe, he, never would a’ stopped. [Looking at her] I forgot your head.  Well, well, ye’ll be best tryin’ quiet. [The gong sounds.] Shall we send ye something in from dinner?

Chloe.  No; I’ll try to sleep.  Please tell them I don’t want to be disturbed.

Hornblower.  All right.  I’ll just answer this note.

     [He sits down at her writing-table.]

     [Chloe starts up from the sofa feverishly, looking at her
     watch, at the window, at her watch; then softly crosses to the
     window and opens it.]

Project Gutenberg
The Skin Game from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.