The Fugitive eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 84 pages of information about The Fugitive.

The Fugitive eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 84 pages of information about The Fugitive.

Clare.  Thank you.  Do you think you quite grasp the alternative?

Twisden. [Taken aback] But, my dear young lady, there are two sides to every contract.  After all, your husband’s fulfilled his.

Clare.  So have I up till now.  I shan’t ask anything from him—­ nothing—­do you understand?

Lady Dedmond.  But, my dear, you must live.

Twisden.  Have you ever done any sort of work?

Clare.  Not yet.

Twisden.  Any conception of the competition nowadays?

Clare.  I can try.

     [Twisden, looking at her, shrugs his shoulders]

Clare. [Her composure a little broken by that look] It’s real to me—­this—­you see!

Sir Charles.  But, my dear girl, what the devil’s to become of

Clare.  He can do what he likes—­it’s nothing to me.

Twisden.  Mrs. Dedmond, I say without hesitation you’ve no notion of what you’re faced with, brought up to a sheltered life as you’ve been.  Do realize that you stand at the parting of the ways, and one leads into the wilderness.

Clare.  Which?

Twisden. [Glancing at the door through which Malise has gone] Of course, if you want to play at wild asses there are plenty who will help you.

Sir Charles.  By Gad!  Yes!

Clare.  I only want to breathe.

Twisden.  Mrs. Dedmond, go back!  You can now.  It will be too late soon.  There are lots of wolves about. [Again he looks at the door]

Clare.  But not where you think.  You say I need advice.  I came here for it.

Twisden. [With a curiously expressive shrug] In that case I don’t know that I can usefully stay.

     [He goes to the outer door.]

Clare.  Please don’t have me followed when I leave here.  Please!

Lady Dedmond.  George is outside, Clare.

Clare.  I don’t wish to see him.  By what right have you come here? [She goes to the door through which Malise has passed, opens it, and says] Please come in, Mr. Malise.

     [Malise enters.]

Twisden.  I am sorry. [Glancing at Malise, he inclines his head] I am sorry.  Good morning. [He goes]

Lady Dedmond.  Mr. Malise, I’m sure, will see——­

Clare.  Mr. Malise will stay here, please, in his own room.

     [Malise bows]

Sir Charles.  My dear girl, ’pon my soul, you know, I can’t grasp your line of thought at all!

Clare.  No?

Lady Dedmond.  George is most willing to take up things just as they were before you left.

Clare.  Ah!

Project Gutenberg
The Fugitive from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.