Justice eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 95 pages of information about Justice.

Justice eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 95 pages of information about Justice.

     Again there is silence.  Walter and Cokeson steal glances at
     James, who stands staring steadily at the detective.

Cokeson. [Expansively] We’re very busy at the moment.  If you could make it convenient to call again we might be able to tell you then.

James. [Decisively] I’m a servant of the Law, but I dislike peaching.  In fact, I can’t do such a thing.  If you want him you must find him without us.

     As he speaks his eye falls on Falder’s cap, still lying on the
     table, and his face contracts.

Wister. [Noting the gesture—­quietly] Very good, sir.  I ought to warn you that, having broken the terms of his licence, he’s still a convict, and sheltering a convict.

James.  I shelter no one.  But you mustn’t come here and ask questions which it’s not my business to answer.

Wister. [Dryly] I won’t trouble you further then, gentlemen.

Cokeson.  I’m sorry we couldn’t give you the information.  You quite understand, don’t you?  Good-morning!

     Wister turns to go, but instead of going to the door of the
     outer office he goes to the door of the clerks’ room.

Cokeson.  The other door.... the other door!

     Wister opens the clerks’ door.  RUTHS’s voice is heard:  “Oh,
     do!” and Falder’s:  “I can’t!” There is a little pause; then,
     with sharp fright, Ruth says:  “Who’s that?”

     Wister has gone in.

     The three men look aghast at the door.

Wister [From within] Keep back, please!

     He comes swiftly out with his arm twisted in Falder’s.  The
     latter gives a white, staring look at the three men.

Walter.  Let him go this time, for God’s sake!

Wister.  I couldn’t take the responsibility, sir.

Falder. [With a queer, desperate laugh] Good!

     Flinging a look back at Ruth, he throws up his head, and goes
     out through the outer office, half dragging Wister after him.

Walter. [With despair] That finishes him.  It’ll go on for ever now.

     Sweedle can be seen staring through the outer door.  There are
     sounds of footsteps descending the stone stairs; suddenly a dull
     thud, a faint “My God!” in WISTER’s voice.

James.  What’s that?

     Sweedle dashes forward.  The door swings to behind him.  There
     is dead silence.

Walter. [Starting forward to the inner room] The woman-she’s fainting!

     He and Cokeson support the fainting Ruth from the doorway of the
     clerks’ room.

Cokeson. [Distracted] Here, my dear!  There, there!

Project Gutenberg
Justice from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.