Strife eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 96 pages of information about Strife.

Strife eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 96 pages of information about Strife.

Underwood. [Pointing to TENCH’S chair.] Sit there next the Chairman, Harness, won’t you?

     [At HARNESS’S appearance, the Board have drawn together, as it
     were, and turned a little to him, like cattle at a dog.]

Harness. [With a sharp look round, and a bow.] Thanks! [He sits—–­ his accent is slightly nasal.] Well, gentlemen, we’re going to do business at last, I hope.

Wilder.  Depends on what you call business, Harness.  Why don’t you make the men come in?

Harness. [Sardonically.] The men are far more in the right than you are.  The question with us is whether we shan’t begin to support them again.

     [He ignores them all, except Anthony, to whom he turns in

Anthony.  Support them if you like; we’ll put in free labour and have done with it.

Harness.  That won’t do, Mr. Anthony.  You can’t get free labour, and you know it.

Anthony.  We shall see that.

Harness.  I’m quite frank with you.  We were forced to withhold our support from your men because some of their demands are in excess of current rates.  I expect to make them withdraw those demands to-day:  if they do, take it straight from me, gentlemen, we shall back them again at once.  Now, I want to see something fixed upon before I go back to-night.  Can’t we have done with this old-fashioned tug-of-war business?  What good’s it doing you?  Why don’t you recognise once for all that these people are men like yourselves, and want what’s good for them just as you want what’s good for you [Bitterly.] Your motor-cars, and champagne, and eight-course dinners.

Anthony.  If the men will come in, we’ll do something for them.

Harness. [Ironically.] Is that your opinion too, sir—­and yours—­ and yours? [The Directors do not answer.] Well, all I can say is:  It’s a kind of high and mighty aristocratic tone I thought we’d grown out of—­seems I was mistaken.

Anthony.  It’s the tone the men use.  Remains to be seen which can hold out longest—­they without us, or we without them.

Harness.  As business men, I wonder you’re not ashamed of this waste of force, gentlemen.  You know what it’ll all end in.

Anthony.  What?

Harness.  Compromise—­it always does.

Scantlebury.  Can’t you persuade the men that their interests are the same as ours?

Harness. [Turning, ironically.] I could persuade them of that, sir, if they were.

Wilder.  Come, Harness, you’re a clever man, you don’t believe all the Socialistic claptrap that’s talked nowadays.  There ’s no real difference between their interests and ours.

Harness.  There’s just one very simple question I’d like to put to you.  Will you pay your men one penny more than they force you to pay them?

Project Gutenberg
Strife from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.