Strife eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 96 pages of information about Strife.

Strife eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 96 pages of information about Strife.

Edgar.  I don’t see how we can get over it that to go on like this means starvation to the men’s wives and families.

     [Wilder turns abruptly to the fire, and Scantlebury puts out a
     hand to push the idea away.]

Wanklin.  I’m afraid again that sounds a little sentimental.

Edgar.  Men of business are excused from decency, you think?

Wilder.  Nobody’s more sorry for the men than I am, but if they [lashing himself] choose to be such a pig-headed lot, it’s nothing to do with us; we’ve quite enough on our hands to think of ourselves and the shareholders.

Edgar. [Irritably.] It won’t kill the shareholders to miss a dividend or two; I don’t see that that’s reason enough for knuckling under.

Scantlebury. [With grave discomfort.] You talk very lightly of your dividends, young man; I don’t know where we are.

Wilder.  There’s only one sound way of looking at it.  We can’t go on ruining ourselves with this strike.

Anthony.  No caving in!

Scantlebury. [With a gesture of despair.] Look at him!

     [Anthony’s leaning back in his chair.  They do look at him.]

Wilder. [Returning to his seat.] Well, all I can say is, if that’s the Chairman’s view, I don’t know what we’ve come down here for.

Anthony.  To tell the men that we’ve got nothing for them——­ [Grimly.] They won’t believe it till they hear it spoken in plain English.

Wilder.  H’m!  Shouldn’t be a bit surprised if that brute Roberts had n’t got us down here with the very same idea.  I hate a man with a grievance.

Edgar. [Resentfully.] We didn’t pay him enough for his discovery.  I always said that at the time.

Wilder.  We paid him five hundred and a bonus of two hundred three years later.  If that’s not enough!  What does he want, for goodness’ sake?

Tench. [Complainingly.] Company made a hundred thousand out of his brains, and paid him seven hundred—­that’s the way he goes on, sir.

Wilder.  The man’s a rank agitator!  Look here, I hate the Unions.  But now we’ve got Harness here let’s get him to settle the whole thing.

Anthony.  No! [Again they look at him.]

Underwood.  Roberts won’t let the men assent to that.

Scantlebury.  Fanatic!  Fanatic!

Wilder. [Looking at Anthony.] And not the only one! [Frost enters from the hall.]

Frost. [To Anthony.] Mr. Harness from the Union, waiting, sir.  The men are here too, sir.

     [Anthony nods.  Underwood goes to the door, returning with
     Harness, a pale, clean-shaven man with hollow cheeks, quick
     eyes, and lantern jaw—­Frost has retired.]

Project Gutenberg
Strife from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.