Strife eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 96 pages of information about Strife.

Strife eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 96 pages of information about Strife.

Edgar. [Ironically.] I’m not thinking of our feelings.  I’m thinking of the men’s.

Wilder.  As to that—­we’re men of business.

Wanklin.  That is the little trouble.

Edgar.  There’s no necessity for pushing things so far in the face of all this suffering—­it’s—­it’s cruel.

     [No one speaks, as though Edgar had uncovered something whose
     existence no man prizing his self-respect could afford to

Wanklin. [With an ironical smile.] I’m afraid we must n’t base our policy on luxuries like sentiment.

Edgar.  I detest this state of things.

Anthony.  We did n’t seek the quarrel.

Edgar.  I know that sir, but surely we’ve gone far enough.

Anthony.  No. [All look at one another.]

Wanklin.  Luxuries apart, Chairman, we must look out what we’re doing.

Anthony.  Give way to the men once and there’ll be no end to it.

Wanklin.  I quite agree, but——­

     [Anthony Shakes his head]

You make it a question of bedrock principle?

     [Anthony nods.]

Luxuries again, Chairman!  The shares are below par.

Wilder.  Yes, and they’ll drop to a half when we pass the next dividend.

Scantlebury. [With alarm.] Come, come!  Not so bad as that.

Wilder. [Grimly.] You’ll see! [Craning forward to catch Anthony’s speech.] I didn’t catch——­

Tench. [Hesitating.] The Chairman says, sir, “Fais que—­que—­devra.”

Edgar. [Sharply.] My father says:  “Do what we ought—­and let things rip.”

Wilder.  Tcha!

Scantlebury. [Throwing up his hands.] The Chairman’s a Stoic—­I always said the Chairman was a Stoic.

Wilder.  Much good that’ll do us.

Wanklin. [Suavely.] Seriously, Chairman, are you going to let the ship sink under you, for the sake of—­a principle?

Anthony.  She won’t sink.

Scantlebury. [With alarm.] Not while I’m on the Board I hope.

Anthony. [With a twinkle.] Better rat, Scantlebury.

Scantlebury.  What a man!

Anthony.  I’ve always fought them; I’ve never been beaten yet.

Wanklin.  We’re with you in theory, Chairman.  But we’re not all made of cast-iron.

Anthony.  We’ve only to hold on.

Wilder. [Rising and going to the fire.] And go to the devil as fast as we can!

Anthony.  Better go to the devil than give in!

Wilder. [Fretfully.] That may suit you, sir, but it does n’t suit me, or any one else I should think.

     [Anthony looks him in the face-a silence.]

Project Gutenberg
Strife from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.