The Silver Box eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 78 pages of information about The Silver Box.

The Silver Box eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 78 pages of information about The Silver Box.

Jones. [Pointing at Jack.] You ask ’im wot made ’im take the——­

Roper. [Quietly.] Does your Worship require this witness in the box any longer?

Magistrate. [Ironically.] I think not; he is hardly profitable.

     [Jack leaves the witness-box, and hanging his head, resumes his

Jones.  You ask ’im wot made ’im take the lady’s——­

     [But the bald constable catches him by the sleeve.]

Bald constable.  SSSh!

Magistrate. [Emphatically.] Now listen to me.

I ’ve nothing to do with what he may or may not have taken.  Why did you resist the police in the execution of their duty?

Jones.  It war n’t their duty to take my wife, a respectable woman, that ’ad n’t done nothing.

Magistrate.  But I say it was.  What made you strike the officer a blow?

Jones.  Any man would a struck ’im a blow.  I’d strike ’im again, I would.

Magistrate.  You are not making your case any better by violence.  How do you suppose we could get on if everybody behaved like you?

Jones. [Leaning forward, earnestly.] Well, wot, about ’er; who’s to make up to ’er for this?  Who’s to give ’er back ’er good name?

Mrs. Jones.  Your Worship, it’s the children that’s preying on his mind, because of course I ’ve lost my work.  And I’ve had to find another room owing to the scandal.

Magistrate.  Yes, yes, I know—­but if he had n’t acted like this nobody would have suffered.

Jones. [Glaring round at Jack.] I ’ve done no worse than wot ’e ’as.  Wot I want to know is wot ‘s goin’ to be done to ’im.

     [The bald constable again says “HSSh”]

Roper.  Mr. Barthwick wishes it known, your Worship, that considering the poverty of the prisoners, he does not press the charge as to the box.  Perhaps your Worship would deal with the case as one of disorder.

Jones.  I don’t want it smothered up, I want it all dealt with fair —­I want my rights——­

Magistrate. [Rapping his desk.] Now you have said all you have to say, and you will be quiet.

     [There is a silence; the magistrate bends over and parleys with
     his clerk.]

Yes, I think I may discharge the woman. [In a kindly voice he addresses Mrs. Jones, who stands unmoving with her hands crossed on the rail.] It is very unfortunate for you that this man has behaved as he has.  It is not the consequences to him but the consequences to you.  You have been brought here twice, you have lost your work—­ [He glares at Jones]—­and this is what always happens.  Now you may go away, and I am very sorry it was necessary to bring you here at all.

Project Gutenberg
The Silver Box from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.