The Silver Box eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 78 pages of information about The Silver Box.

The Silver Box eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 78 pages of information about The Silver Box.

Mrs. Jones.  Well, Sir, I have to give them their dinner to take with them.  Of course I ’m not always able to give them anything; sometimes I have to send them without; but my husband is very good about the children when he’s in work.  But when he’s not in work of course he’s a very difficult man.

Barthwick.  He drinks, I suppose?

Mrs. Jones.  Yes, Sir.  Of course I can’t say he does n’t drink, because he does.

Barthwick.  And I suppose he takes all your money?

Mrs. Jones.  No, sir, he’s very good about my money, except when he’s not himself, and then, of course, he treats me very badly.

Barthwick.  Now what is he—­your husband?

Mrs. Jones.  By profession, sir, of course he’s a groom.

Barthwick.  A groom!  How came he to lose his place?

Mrs. Jones.  He lost his place a long time ago, sir, and he’s never had a very long job since; and now, of course, the motor-cars are against him.

Barthwick.  When were you married to him, Mrs. Jones?

Mrs. Jones.  Eight years ago, sir that was in——­

Mrs. Barthwick. [Sharply.] Eight?  You said the eldest child was nine.

Mrs. Jones.  Yes, ma’am; of course that was why he lost his place.  He did n’t treat me rightly, and of course his employer said he couldn’t keep him because of the example.

Barthwick.  You mean he—­ahem——­

Mrs. Jones.  Yes, sir; and of course after he lost his place he married me.

Mrs. Barthwick.  You actually mean to say you—­you were——­

Barthwick.  My dear——­

Mrs. Barthwick. [Indignantly.] How disgraceful!

Barthwick. [Hurriedly.] And where are you living now, Mrs. Jones?

Mrs. Jones.  We’ve not got a home, sir.  Of course we’ve been obliged to put away most of our things.

Barthwick.  Put your things away!  You mean to—­to—­er—­to pawn them?

Mrs. Jones.  Yes, sir, to put them away.  We’re living in Merthyr Street—­that is close by here, sir—­at No. 34.  We just have the one room.

Barthwick.  And what do you pay a week?

Mrs. Jones.  We pay six shillings a week, sir, for a furnished room.

Barthwick.  And I suppose you’re behind in the rent?

Mrs. Jones.  Yes, sir, we’re a little behind in the rent.

Barthwick.  But you’re in good work, aren’t you?

Mrs. Jones.  Well, Sir, I have a day in Stamford Place Thursdays.  And Mondays and Wednesdays and Fridays I come here.  But to-day, of course, is a half-day, because of yesterday’s Bank Holiday.

Project Gutenberg
The Silver Box from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.