Inn of Tranquillity eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 63 pages of information about Inn of Tranquillity.

Inn of Tranquillity eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 63 pages of information about Inn of Tranquillity.
it seems, following a bicyclist.  There are men, you know—­save the mark—­who, when their beasts get ill or too expensive, jump on their bicycles and take them for a quick run, taking care never to look behind them.  When they get back home they say:  ‘Hallo! where’s Fido?’ Fido is nowhere, and there’s an end!  Well, this poor puppy gave up just as it got to our village; and, roaming shout in search of water, attached itself to a farm labourer.  The man with excellent intentions—­as he told me himself—­tried to take hold of it, but too abruptly, so that it was startled, and snapped at him.  Whereon he kicked it for a dangerous cur, and it went drifting back toward the village, and fell in with the boys coming home from school.  It thought, no doubt, that they were going to kick it too, and nipped one of them who took it by the collar.  Thereupon they hullabalooed and stoned it down the road to where I found them.  Then I put in my little bit of torture, and drove it away, through fear of infection to my own dog.  After that it seems to have fallen in with a man who told me:  ’Well, you see, he came sneakin’ round my house, with the children playin’, and snapped at them when they went to stroke him, so that they came running in to their mother, an’ she’ called to me in a fine takin’ about a mad dog.  I ran out with a shovel and gave ’im one, and drove him out.  I’m sorry if he wasn’t mad, he looked it right enough; you can’t be too careful with strange dogs.’  Its next acquaintance was an old stone-breaker, a very decent sort.  ‘Well! you see,’ the old man explained to me, ’the dog came smellin’ round my stones, an’ it wouldn’ come near, an’ it wouldn’ go away; it was all froth and blood about the jaw, and its eyes glared green at me.  I thought to meself, bein’ the dog-days—­I don’t like the look o’ you, you look funny!  So I took a stone, an’ got it here, just on the ear; an’ it fell over.  And I thought to meself:  Well, you’ve got to finish it, or it’ll go bitin’ somebody, for sure!  But when I come to it with my hammer, the dog it got up—­an’ you know how it is when there’s somethin’ you’ve ’alf killed, and you feel sorry, and yet you feel you must finish it, an’ you hit at it blind, you hit at it agen an’ agen.  The poor thing, it wriggled and snapped, an’ I was terrified it’d bite me, an’ some’ow it got away."’ Again our friend paused, and this time we dared not look at him.

“The next hospitality it was shown,” he went on presently, “was by a farmer, who, seeing it all bloody, drove it off, thinking it had been digging up a lamb that he’d just buried.  The poor homeless beast came sneaking back, so he told his men to get rid of it.  Well, they got hold of it somehow—­there was a hole in its neck that looked as if they’d used a pitchfork—­and, mortally afraid of its biting them, but not liking, as they told me, to drown it, for fear the owner might come on them, they got a stake and a chain, and fastened it up, and left it in the water by the hay-stack where

Project Gutenberg
Inn of Tranquillity from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.