Following the Equator eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 703 pages of information about Following the Equator.

Following the Equator eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 703 pages of information about Following the Equator.

After the seizure of the Transvaal and the suppression of the Boer government by England in 1877, the Boers fretted for three years, and made several appeals to England for a restoration of their liberties, but without result.  Then they gathered themselves together in a great mass-meeting at Krugersdorp, talked their troubles over, and resolved to fight for their deliverance from the British yoke. (Krugersdorp—­the place where the Boers interrupted the Jameson raid.) The little handful of farmers rose against the strongest empire in the world.  They proclaimed martial law and the re-establishment of their Republic.  They organized their forces and sent them forward to intercept the British battalions.  This, although Sir Garnet Wolseley had but lately made proclamation that “so long as the sun shone in the heavens,” the Transvaal would be and remain English territory.  And also in spite of the fact that the commander of the 94th regiment—­already on the march to suppress this rebellion—­had been heard to say that “the Boers would turn tail at the first beat of the big drum.”—­["South Africa As It Is,” by F. Reginald Statham, page 82.  London:  T. Fisher Unwin, 1897.]

Four days after the flag-raising, the Boer force which had been sent forward to forbid the invasion of the English troops met them at Bronkhorst Spruit—­246 men of the 94th regiment, in command of a colonel, the big drum beating, the band playing—­and the first battle was fought.  It lasted ten minutes.  Result: 

     British loss, more than 150 officers and men, out of the 246. 
     Surrender of the remnant.

     Boer loss—­if any—­not stated.

They are fine marksmen, the Boers.  From the cradle up, they live on horseback and hunt wild animals with the rifle.  They have a passion for liberty and the Bible, and care for nothing else.

“General Sir George Colley, Lieutenant-Governor and Commander-in-Chief in Natal, felt it his duty to proceed at once to the relief of the loyalists and soldiers beleaguered in the different towns of the Transvaal.”  He moved out with 1,000 men and some artillery.  He found the Boers encamped in a strong and sheltered position on high ground at Laing’s Nek—­every Boer behind a rock.  Early in the morning of the 28th January, 1881, he moved to the attack “with the 58th regiment, commanded by Colonel Deane, a mounted squadron of 70 men, the 60th Rifles, the Naval Brigade with three rocket tubes, and the Artillery with six guns.”  He shelled the Boers for twenty minutes, then the assault was delivered, the 58th marching up the slope in solid column.  The battle was soon finished, with this result, according to Russell—­

     British loss in killed and wounded, 174.

     Boer loss, “trifling.”

Colonel Deane was killed, and apparently every officer above the grade of lieutenant was killed or wounded, for the 58th retreated to its camp in command of a lieutenant. ("Africa as It Is.”)

Project Gutenberg
Following the Equator from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.