Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 186 pages of information about Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc — Volume 2.

Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 186 pages of information about Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc — Volume 2.

In the cart with her sat the friar Martin Ladvenu and Maetre Jean Massieu.  She looked girlishly fair and sweet and saintly in her long white robe, and when a gush of sunlight flooded her as she emerged from the gloom of the prison and was yet for a moment still framed in the arch of the somber gate, the massed multitudes of poor folk murmured “A vision! a vision!” and sank to their knees praying, and many of the women weeping; and the moving invocation for the dying arose again, and was taken up and borne along, a majestic wave of sound, which accompanied the doomed, solacing and blessing her, all the sorrowful way to the place of death.  “Christ have pity!  Saint Margaret have pity!  Pray for her, all ye saints, archangels, and blessed martyrs, pray for her!  Saints and angels intercede for her!  From thy wrath, good Lord, deliver her!  O Lord God, save her!  Have mercy on her, we beseech Thee, good Lord!”

It is just and true what one of the histories has said:  “The poor and the helpless had nothing but their prayers to give Joan of Arc; but these we may believe were not unavailing.  There are few more pathetic events recorded in history than this weeping, helpless, praying crowd, holding their lighted candles and kneeling on the pavement beneath the prison walls of the old fortress.”

And it was so all the way:  thousands upon thousands massed upon their knees and stretching far down the distances, thick-sown with the faint yellow candle-flames, like a field starred with golden flowers.

But there were some that did not kneel; these were the English soldiers.  They stood elbow to elbow, on each side of Joan’s road, and walled it in all the way; and behind these living walls knelt the multitudes.

By and by a frantic man in priest’s garb came wailing and lamenting, and tore through the crowd and the barriers of soldiers and flung himself on his knees by Joan’s cart and put up his hands in supplication, crying out: 

“O forgive, forgive!”

It was Loyseleur!

And Joan forgave him; forgave him out of a heart that knew nothing but forgiveness, nothing but compassion, nothing but pity for all that suffer, let their offense be what it might.  And she had no word of reproach for this poor wretch who had wrought day and night with deceits and treacheries and hypocrisies to betray her to her death.

The soldiers would have killed him, but the Earl of Warwick saved his life.  What became of him is not known.  He hid himself from the world somewhere, to endure his remorse as he might.

In the square of the Old Market stood the two platforms and the stake that had stood before in the churchyard of St. Ouen.  The platforms were occupied as before, the one by Joan and her judges, the other by great dignitaries, the principal being Cauchon and the English Cardinal—­Winchester.  The square was packed with people, the windows and roofs of the blocks of buildings surrounding it were black with them.

Project Gutenberg
Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc — Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.