Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 186 pages of information about Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc — Volume 2.

Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 186 pages of information about Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc — Volume 2.

This verdict was a strong point for Joan, you will say.  Yes, it would have been if it could have seen the light; but Cauchon was awake, and it disappeared from the proces verbal before the trial.  People were prudent enough not to inquire what became of it.

One would imagine that Cauchon was ready to begin the trial by this time.  But no, he devised one more scheme for poor Joan’s destruction, and it promised to be a deadly one.

One of the great personages picked out and sent down by the University of Paris was an ecclesiastic named Nicolas Loyseleur.  He was tall, handsome, grave, of smooth, soft speech and courteous and winning manners.  There was no seeming of treachery or hypocrisy about him, yet he was full of both.  He was admitted to Joan’s prison by night, disguised as a cobbler; he pretended to be from her own country; he professed to be secretly a patriot; he revealed the fact that he was a priest.  She was filled with gladness to see one from the hills and plains that were so dear to her; happier still to look upon a priest and disburden her heart in confession, for the offices of the Church were the bread of life, the breath of her nostrils to her, and she had been long forced to pine for them in vain.  She opened her whole innocent heart to this creature, and in return he gave her advice concerning her trial which could have destroyed her if her deep native wisdom had not protected her against following it.

You will ask, what value could this scheme have, since the secrets of the confessional are sacred and cannot be revealed?  True—­but suppose another person should overhear them?  That person is not bound to keep the secret.  Well, that is what happened.  Cauchon had previously caused a hole to be bored through the wall; and he stood with his ear to that hole and heard all.  It is pitiful to think of these things.  One wonders how they could treat that poor child so.  She had not done them any harm.

  4 All Ready to Condemn

On Tuesday, the 20th of February, while I sat at my master’s work in the evening, he came in, looking sad, and said it had been decided to begin the trial at eight o’clock the next morning, and I must get ready to assist him.

Of course I had been expecting such news every day for many days; but no matter, the shock of it almost took my breath away and set me trembling like a leaf.  I suppose that without knowing it I had been half imagining that at the last moment something would happen, something that would stop this fatal trial; maybe that La Hire would burst in at the gates with his hellions at his back; maybe that God would have pity and stretch forth His mighty hand.  But now—­now there was no hope.

The trial was to begin in the chapel of the fortress and would be public.  So I went sorrowing away and told Noel, so that he might be there early and secure a place.  It would give him a chance to look again upon the face which we so revered and which was so precious to us.  All the way, both going and coming, I plowed through chattering and rejoicing multitudes of English soldiery and English-hearted French citizens.  There was no talk but of the coming event.  Many times I heard the remark, accompanied by a pitiless laugh: 

Project Gutenberg
Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc — Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.