The Sleuth of St. James's Square eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 298 pages of information about The Sleuth of St. James's Square.

The Sleuth of St. James's Square eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 298 pages of information about The Sleuth of St. James's Square.

The girl paused a moment, then she went on

“I suppose things had gone so for about a fortnight when your sister, Lady Monteith, wrote that she had seen Sir Henry with us - Mr. Meadows and me — in the motor.  I have to shatter a pleasant fancy about that chaperonage!  That was the only time Sir Henry was ever with us.

“It came about like this:  It was Thursday morning about nine o’clock, I think, when Sir Henry, popped in at the Ritz.  He was full of some amazing mystery that had turned up at Benton Court, a country house belonging to the Duke of Dorset, up the Thames beyond Richmond.  He wanted to go there at once.  He was fuming because an under secretary had his motor, and he couldn’t catch up with him.

“I told him he could have `our’ motor.  He laughed.  And I telephoned Mr. Meadows to come over and take him up.  Sir Henry asked me to go along.  So that’s how Lady Monteith happened to see the three of us crowded into the seat of the big roadster.”

The girl went on in her deliberate, even voice

“Sir Henry was boiling full of the mystery.  He got us all excited by the time we arrived at Benton Court.  I think Mr. Meadows was as keen about the thing as Sir Henry.  They were both immensely worked up.  It was an amazing thing!”

“You see, Benton Court is a little house of the Georgian period.  It has been closed up for ages, and now, all at once, the most mysterious things began to happen in it.

“A local inspector, a very reliable man named Millson, passing that way on his bicycle, saw a man lying on the doorstep.  He also saw some one running away.  It was early in the morning, just before daybreak.

“Millson saw only the man’s back, but he could distinguish the color of his clothes.  He was wearing a blue coat and reddish-brown trousers.  Millson said he could hardly make out the blue coat in the darkness, but he could distinctly see the reddish brown color of the man’s trousers.  He was very positive about this.  Mr. Meadows and Sir Henry pressed him pretty hard, but he was firm about it.  He could make out that the coat was blue, and he could see very distinctly that the trousers were reddish-brown.

“But the extraordinary thing came a little later.  Millson hurried to a telephone to get Scotland Yard, then he returned to Benton Court; but when he got back the dead man had disappeared.

“He insists that he was not away beyond five minutes, but within that time the dead man had vanished.  Millson could find no trace of him.  That’s the mystery that sent us tearing up there with Mr. Meadows and Sir Henry transformed into eager sleuths.

“We found the approaches to the house under a patrol from Scotland Yard.  But nobody had gone in.  The inspector was waiting for Sir Henry.”

The old man stood like an image, and the aged woman sat in her chair like a figure in basalt.

Project Gutenberg
The Sleuth of St. James's Square from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.