Moon of Israel eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 320 pages of information about Moon of Israel.

Moon of Israel eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 320 pages of information about Moon of Israel.

“Why is your Highness glad?”

“Because you, being by your own account his equal, can now interpret the matter as Khaemuas would have done.  You know, Pambasa, that had he lived he would have been Pharaoh in place of my father.  He died too soon, however, which proves to me that there was something in this tale of his wisdom, since no really wise man would ever wish to be Pharaoh of Egypt.”

Pambasa stared with his mouth open.

“Not wish to be Pharaoh!” he began—­

“Now, Pambasa the Wise,” went on the Prince as though he had not heard him.  “Listen.  This old book gives a charm ’to empty the heart of its weariness,’ that it says is the oldest and most common sickness in the world from which only kittens, some children, and mad people are free.  It appears that the cure for this sickness, so says the book, is to stand on the top of the pyramid of Khufu at midnight at that moment when the moon is largest in the whole year, and drink from the cup of dreams, reciting meanwhile a spell written here at length in language which I cannot read.”

“There is no virtue in spells, Prince, if anyone can read them.”

“And no use, it would seem, if they can be read by none.”

“Moreover, how can any one climb the pyramid of Khufu, which is covered with polished marble, even in the day let alone at midnight, your Highness, and there drink of the cup of dreams?”

“I do not know, Pambasa.  All I know is that I weary of this foolishness, and of the world.  Tell me of something that will lighten my heart, for it is heavy.”

“There are jugglers without, Prince, one of whom says he can throw a rope into the air and climb up it until he vanishes into heaven.”

“When he has done it in your sight, Pambasa, bring him to me, but not before.  Death is the only rope by which we climb to heaven—­or be lowered into hell.  For remember there is a god called Set, after whom, like my great-grandfather, I am named by the way—­the priests alone know why—­as well as one called Osiris.”

“Then there are the dancers, Prince, and among them some very finely made girls, for I saw them bathing in the palace lake, such as would have delighted the heart of your grandfather, the great Rameses.”

“They do not delight my heart who want no naked women prancing here.  Try again, Pambasa.”

“I can think of nothing else, Prince.  Yet, stay.  There is a scribe without named Ana, a thin, sharp-nosed man who says he is your Highness’s twin in Ra.”

“Ana!” said the Prince.  “He of Memphis who writes stories?  Why did you not say so before, you old fool?  Let him enter at once, at once.”

Now hearing this I, Ana, walked through the curtains and prostrated myself, saying,

“I am that scribe, O Royal Son of the Sun.”

“How dare you enter the Prince’s presence without being bidden——­” began Pambasa, but Seti broke in with a stern voice, saying,

Project Gutenberg
Moon of Israel from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.