The Koran (Al-Qur'an) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 711 pages of information about The Koran (Al-Qur'an).

The Koran (Al-Qur'an) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 711 pages of information about The Koran (Al-Qur'an).

And proclaim to the peoples a pilgrimage:  Let them come to thee on foot and on every fleet7 camel, arriving by every deep defile: 

That they may bear witness of its benefits to them, and may make mention of God’s name on the appointed days,8 over the brute beasts with which He hath supplied them for sustenance:  Therefore eat thereof yourselves, and feed the needy, the poor: 

Then let them bring the neglect of their persons to a close,9 and let them pay their vows, and circuit the ancient House.

This do.  And he that respecteth the sacred ordinances of God, this will be best for him with his Lord.  The flesh of cattle is allowed you, save of those already specified to you.  Shun ye, therefore, the pollutions of idols; and shun ye the word of falsehood;

Sound in faith Godward, uniting no god with Him; for whoever uniteth gods with God, is like that which falleth from on high, and the birds snatch it away, or the wind wafteth it to a distant place.

This do.  And they who respect the rites of God, perform an action which proceedeth from piety of heart.

Ye may obtain advantages from the cattle up to the set time for slaying them:  then, the place for sacrificing them is at the ancient House.

And to every people have we appointed rites, that they may commemorate the name of God over the brute beasts which He hath provided for them.  And your God is the one God.  To Him, therefore, surrender yourselves:  and bear thou good tidings to those who humble them,-

Whose hearts, when mention is made of God, thrill with awe; and to those who remain steadfast under all that be-falleth them, and observe prayer, and give alms of that with which we have supplied them.

And the camels have we appointed you for the sacrifice to God:  much good have ye in them.  Make mention, therefore, of the name of God over them when ye slay them, as they stand in a row; and when they are fallen over on their sides, eat of them, and feed him who is content and asketh not, and him who asketh.  Thus have We subjected them to you, to the intent ye should be thankful.10

By no means can their flesh reach unto God, neither their blood; but piety on your part reacheth Him.  Thus hath He subjected them to you, that ye might magnify God for His guidance:  moreover, announce to those who do good deeds-

That God will ward off mischief from believers:  for God loveth not the false, the Infidel.

A sanction is given to those who, because they have suffered outrages, have taken up arms; and verily, God is well able to succour them: 

Those who have been driven forth from their homes wrongfully, only because they say “Our Lord is the God.”  And if God had not repelled some men by others, cloisters, and churches, and oratories, and mosques, wherein the name of God is ever commemorated, would surely have been destroyed.  And him who helpeth God will God surely help:11 for God is right Strong, Mighty:-

Project Gutenberg
The Koran (Al-Qur'an) from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.