The Koran (Al-Qur'an) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 711 pages of information about The Koran (Al-Qur'an).

The Koran (Al-Qur'an) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 711 pages of information about The Koran (Al-Qur'an).

Then changed we their ill for good, until they waxed wealthy, and said, “Of old did troubles and blessings befall our fathers:”  therefore did we seize upon them suddenly when they were unaware.

But if that the people of these cities had believed and feared us, we would surely have laid open to them blessings out of the Heaven and the Earth:  but they treated our signs as lies, and we took vengeance on them for their deeds.

Were the people, therefore, of those cities secure that our wrath would not light on them by night, while they were slumbering?

Were the people of those cities secure that our wrath would not light on them in broad day, while they were disporting themselves?

Did they, therefore, deem themselves secure from the deep counsel23 of God?  But none deem themselves secure from the deep counsel of God, save those who perish.

Is it not proved to those who inherit this land after its ancient occupants, that if we please we can smite them for their sins, and put a seal upon their hearts, that they hearken not?

We will tell thee the stories of these cities.  Their apostles came to them with clear proofs of their mission; but they would not believe in what they had before treated as imposture.-Thus doth God seal up the hearts of the unbelievers-

And we found not of their covenant in most of them; but we found most of them to be perverse.

Then after them we sent Moses with our signs to Pharaoh and his nobles, who acted unjustly in their regard.  But see what was the end of the corrupt doers!

And Moses said, “O Pharaoh! verily I am an apostle from the Lord of the Worlds.

Nothing but truth is it right for me to speak of God.  Now am I come to you from your Lord with a proof of my mission; send away, therefore, the children of Israel with me.”  He said, “If thou comest with a sign, shew it if thou art a man of truth.”

So he threw down his rod, and lo! it distinctly became a serpent.

Then drew he forth his hand, and lo! it was white24 to the beholders.

The nobles of Pharaoh’s people said, “Verily, this is an expert enchanter: 

Fain would he expel you from your land:  what then do ye order to be done?”

They said, “Put25 him and his brother off awhile, and send round men to your cities who shall muster

And bring to thee every skilled enchanter.”

And the enchanters came to Pharaoh.  Said they, “Shall we surely be rewarded if we prevail?”

He said, “Yes; and ye certainly shall be near my person.”

They said, “O Moses! either cast thou down thy rod first, or we will cast down ours.”

He said, “Cast ye down.”  And when they had cast them down they enchanted the people’s eyes, and made them afraid; for they had displayed a great enchantment.

Then spake we unto Moses, “Throw down thy rod;” and lo! it devoured their lying wonders.

Project Gutenberg
The Koran (Al-Qur'an) from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.