Jack and Jill eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 341 pages of information about Jack and Jill.
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Jack and Jill eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 341 pages of information about Jack and Jill.

“It didn’t do much good, seems to me, for people still drink, and we haven’t a decent hotel in the place,” said Frank, as his mother sat looking out of the window as if she saw again the pleasant sight of old and young working together against the great enemy of home peace and safety.

“Oh yes, it did, my dear; for to this day many of those children are true to their pledge.  One little girl was, I am sure, and now has two big boys to fight for the reform she has upheld all her life.  The town is better than it was in those days, and if we each do our part faithfully, it will improve yet more.  Every boy and girl who joins is one gained, perhaps, and your example is the best temperance lecture you can give.  Hold fast, and don’t mind if it isn’t ‘jolly’:  it is right, and that should be enough for us.”

Mamma spoke warmly, for she heartily believed in young people’s guarding against this dangerous vice before it became a temptation, and hoped her boys would never break the pledge they had taken; for, young as they were, they were old enough to see its worth, feel its wisdom, and pride themselves on the promise which was fast growing into a principle.  Jack’s face brightened as he listened, and Frank said, with the steady look which made his face manly,—­

“It shall be.  Now I’ll tell you what I was going to keep as a surprise till to-night, for I wanted to have my secret as well as other folks.  Ed and I went up to see Bob, Sunday, and he said he’d join the Lodge, if they’d have him.  I’m going to propose him to-night.”

“Good! good!” cried Jack, joyfully, and Mrs. Minot clapped her hands, for every new member was rejoiced over by the good people, who were not discouraged by ridicule, indifference, or opposition.

“We’ve got him now, for no one will object, and it is just the thing for him.  He wants to belong somewhere, he says, and he’ll enjoy the fun, and the good things will help him, and we will look after him.  The Captain was so pleased, and you ought to have seen Ed’s face when Bob said, ‘I’m ready, if you’ll have me.’”

Frank’s own face was beaming, and Jack forgot to “gobble,” he was so interested in the new convert, while Mamma said, as she threw down her napkin and took up the newspaper,—­

“We must not forget our ‘Observer,’ but have a good one tonight in honor of the occasion.  There may be something here.  Come home early at noon, and I’ll help you get your paper ready.”

“I’ll be here, but if you want Frank, you’d better tell him not to dawdle over Annette’s gate half an hour,” began Jack, who could not resist teasing his dignified brother about one of the few foolish things he was fond of doing.

“Do you want your nose pulled?” demanded Frank, who never would stand joking on that tender point from his brother.

“No, I don’t; and if I did, you couldn’t do it;” with which taunt he was off and Frank after him, having made a futile dive at the impertinent little nose which was turned up at him and his sweetheart.

Project Gutenberg
Jack and Jill from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.