The Brethren eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 467 pages of information about The Brethren.

The Brethren eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 467 pages of information about The Brethren.

They said:  “Yes; it will serve.”  Reading what passed in their minds, she added:  “Have no fear for your baggage.  Were you as rich as you say you are poor, and as noble as you say you are humble, both it and you are safe in the inn of the widow Masouda, O my guests—­but how are you named?”

“Peter and John.”

“O, my guests, Peter and John, who have come to visit the land of Peter and John and other holy founders of our faith—­”

“And have been so fortunate as to be captured on its shore by the widow Masouda,” answered Godwin, bowing again.

“Wait to speak of the fortune until you have done with her, Sir—­is it Peter, or John?” she replied, with something like a smile upon her handsome face.

“Peter,” answered Godwin.  “Remember the pilgrim with the line of white hair is Peter.”

“You need it to distinguish you apart, who, I suppose, are twins.  Let me see—­Peter has a line of white hair and grey eyes.  John has blue eyes.  John also is the greater warrior, if a pilgrim can be a warrior—­look at his muscles; but Peter thinks the more.  It would be hard for a woman to choose between Peter and John, who must both of them be hungry, so I go to prepare their food.”

“A strange hostess,” said Wulf, laughing, when she had left the room; “but I like her, though she netted us so finely.  I wonder why?  What is more, brother Godwin, she likes you, which is as well, since she may be useful.  But, friend Peter, do not let it go too far, since, like that porter, I think also that she may be dangerous.  Remember, he called her a spy, and probably she is one.”

Godwin turned to reprove him, when the voice of the widow Masouda was heard without saying: 

“Brothers Peter and John, I forgot to caution you to speak low in this house, as there is lattice-work over the doors to let in the air.  Do not be afraid.  I only heard the voice of John, not what he said.”

“I hope not,” muttered Wulf, and this time he spoke very low indeed.

Then they undid their baggage, and having taken from it clean garments, washed themselves after their long journey with the water that had been placed ready for them in great jars.  This, indeed, they needed, for on that crowded dromon there was little chance of washing.  By the time they had clothed themselves afresh, putting on their shirts of mail beneath their tunics, the Nubian came and led them to another room, large and lighted with high-set lattices, where cushions were piled upon the floor round a rug that also was laid upon the floor.  Motioning them to be seated on the cushions, he went away, to return again presently, accompanied by Masouda bearing dishes upon brass platters.  These she placed before them, bidding them eat.  What that food was they did not know, because of the sauces with which it had been covered, until she told them that it was fish.

After the fish came flesh, and after the flesh fowls, and after the fowls cakes and sweetmeats and fruits, until, ravenous as they were, who for days had fed upon salted pork and biscuits full of worms washed down with bad water, they were forced to beg her to bring no more.

Project Gutenberg
The Brethren from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.