Ali Pacha eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 152 pages of information about Ali Pacha.

Ali Pacha eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 152 pages of information about Ali Pacha.
the war which has been made against me, and in one moment I can destroy them.  Life is nothing to me, I might have ended it among the Greeks, but could I, a powerless old man, resolve to live on terms of equality among those whose absolute master I have been?  Thus, whichever way I look, my career is ended.  However, I am attached to those who still surround me, so hear my last resolve.  Let a pardon, sealed by the sultan’s hands, be given me, and I will submit.  I will go to Constantinople, to Asia Minor, or wherever I am sent.  The things I should see here would no longer be fitting for me to behold.”

To this Kursheed’s envoys made answer that without doubt these terms would be conceded.  Ali then touched his breast and forehead, and, drawing forth his watch, presented it to the keeper of the wardrobe.  “I mean what I say, my friend,” he observed; “my word will be kept.  If within an hour thy soldiers are not withdrawn from this castle which has been treacherously yielded to them, I will blow it up.  Return to the Seraskier, warn him that if he allows one minute more to elapse than the time specified, his army, his garrison, I myself and my family, will all perish together:  two hundred thousand pounds of powder can destroy all that surrounds us.  Take this watch, I give it thee, and forget not that I am a man of my word.”  Then, dismissing the messengers, he saluted them graciously, observing that he did not expect an answer until the soldiers should have evacuated the castle.

The envoys had barely returned to the camp when Kursheed sent orders to abandon the fortress.  As the reason far this step could not be concealed, everyone, exaggerating the danger, imagined deadly mines ready to be fired everywhere, and the whole army clamoured to break up the camp.  Thus Ali and his fifty followers cast terror into the hearts of nearly thirty thousand men, crowded together on the slopes of Janina.  Every sound, every whiff of smoke, ascending from near the castle, became a subject of alarm for the besiegers.  And as the besieged had provisions for a long time, Kursheed saw little chance of successfully ending his enterprise; when Ali’s demand for pardon occurred to him.  Without stating his real plans, he proposed to his Council to unite in signing a petition to the Divan for Ali’s pardon.

This deed, formally executed, and bearing more than sixty signatures, was then shown to Ali, who was greatly delighted.  He was described in it as Vizier, as Aulic Councillor, and also as the most distinguished veteran among His Highness the Sultan’s slaves.  He sent rich presents to Kursheed and the principal officers, whom he hoped to corrupt, and breathed as though the storm had passed away.  The following night, however, he heard the voice of Emineh, calling him several times, and concluded that his end drew nigh.

Project Gutenberg
Ali Pacha from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.