Man in the Iron Mask (an Essay) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 64 pages of information about Man in the Iron Mask (an Essay).

Man in the Iron Mask (an Essay) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 64 pages of information about Man in the Iron Mask (an Essay).

“I was curious enough to visit the room in which the unfortunate man was imprisoned, on the 2nd of February 1778.  It is lighted by one window to the north, overlooking the sea, about fifteen feet above the terrace where the sentries paced to and fro.  This window was pierced through a very thick wall and the embrasure barricaded by three iron bars, thus separating the prisoner from the sentries by a distance of over two fathoms.  I found an officer of the Free Company in the fortress who was nigh on fourscore years old; he told me that his father, who had belonged to the same Company, had often related to him how a friar had seen something white floating on the water under the prisoner’s window.  On being fished out and carried to M. de Saint-Mars, it proved to be a shirt of very fine material, loosely folded together, and covered with writing from end to end.  M. de Saint-Mars spread it out and read a few words, then turning to the friar who had brought it he asked him in an embarrassed manner if he had been led by curiosity to read any of the, writing.  The friar protested repeatedly that he had not read a line, but nevertheless he was found dead in bed two days later.  This incident was told so often to my informant by his father and by the chaplain of the fort of that time that he regarded it as incontestably true.  The following fact also appears to me to be equally well established by the testimony of many witnesses.  I collected all the evidence I could on the spot, and also in the Lerins monastery, where the tradition is preserved.

“A female attendant being wanted for the prisoner, a woman of the village of Mongin offered herself for the place, being under the impression that she would thus be able to make her children’s fortune; but on being told that she would not only never be allowed to see her children again, but would be cut off from the rest of the world as well, she refused to be shut up with a prisoner whom it cost so much to serve.  I may mention here that at the two outer angles of the wall of the fort which faced the sea two sentries were placed, with orders to fire on any boat which approached within a certain distance.

“The prisoner’s personal attendant died in the Iles Sainte-Marguerite.  The brother of the officer whom I mentioned above was partly in the confidence of M. de Saint-Mars, and he often told how he was summoned to the prison once at midnight and ordered to remove a corpse, and that he carried it on his shoulders to the burial-place, feeling certain it was the prisoner who was dead; but it was only his servant, and it was then that an effort was made to supply his place by a female attendant.”

Project Gutenberg
Man in the Iron Mask (an Essay) from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.