The Borgias eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 290 pages of information about The Borgias.

The Borgias eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 290 pages of information about The Borgias.

At these words, which robbed of all hope any who might yet entertain it, one of the pope’s servants asked the Slav why, when he was witness of such a deed, he had not gone to denounce it to the governor.  But the Slav replied that, since he had exercised his present trade on the riverside, he had seen dead men thrown into the Tiber in the same way a hundred times, and had never heard that anybody had been troubled about them; so he supposed it would be the same with this corpse as the others, and had never imagined it was his duty to speak of it, not thinking it would be any more important than it had been before.

Acting on this intelligence, the servants of His Holiness summoned at once all the boatmen and fishermen who were accustomed to go up and down the river, and as a large reward was promised to anyone who should find the duke’s body, there were soon mare than a hundred ready for the job; so that before the evening of the same day, which was Friday, two men were drawn out of the water, of whom one was instantly recognised as the hapless duke.  At the very first glance at the body there could be no doubt as to the cause of death.  It was pierced with nine wounds, the chief one in the throat, whose artery was cut.  The clothing had not been touched:  his doublet and cloak were there, his gloves in his waistband, gold in his purse; the duke then must have been assassinated not for gain but for revenge.

The ship which carried the corpse went up the Tiber to the Castello Sant’ Angelo, where it was set down.  At once the magnificent dress was fetched from the duke’s palace which he had worn on the day of the procession, and he was clothed in it once more:  beside him were placed the insignia of the generalship of the Church.  Thus he lay in state all day, but his father in his despair had not the courage to came and look at him.  At last, when night had fallen, his most trusty and honoured servants carried the body to the church of the Madonna del Papala, with all the pomp and ceremony that Church and State combined could devise for the funeral of the son of the pope.

Meantime the bloodstained hands of Caesar Borgia were placing a royal crown upon the head of Frederic of Aragon.

This blow had pierced Alexander’s heart very deeply.  As at first he did not know on whom his suspicions should fall, he gave the strictest orders for the pursuit of the murderers; but little by little the infamous truth was forced upon him.  He saw that the blow which struck at his house came from that very house itself and then his despair was changed to madness:  he ran through the rooms of the Vatican like a maniac, and entering the consistory with torn garments and ashes on his head, he sobbingly avowed all the errors of his past life, owning that the disaster that struck his offspring through his offspring was a just chastisement from God; then he retired to a secret dark chamber of the palace, and there shut himself

Project Gutenberg
The Borgias from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.