Maiwa's Revenge eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 125 pages of information about Maiwa's Revenge.

Maiwa's Revenge eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 125 pages of information about Maiwa's Revenge.

“‘It is not to be borne indeed,’ said Nala; ’but how can we make head against so great a people?’

“‘Ask of him—­ask of Macumazahn, the wise white man,’ said Maiwa, pointing at me.

“‘How can we overcome Wambe, Macumazahn the hunter?’

“‘How does the jackal overreach the lion, Nala?’

“‘By cleverness, Macumazahn.’

“‘So shall you overcome Wambe, Nala.’

“At this moment an interruption occurred.  A man entered and said that messengers had arrived from Wambe.

“‘What is their message?’ asked Nala.

“’They come to ask that thy daughter Maiwa be sent back, and with her the white hunter.’

“‘How shall I make answer to this, Macumazahn?’ said Nala, when the man had withdrawn.

“‘Thus shalt thou answer,’ I said after reflection; ’say that the woman shall be sent and I with her, and then bid the messengers be gone.  Stay, I will hide myself here in the hut that the men may not see me,’ and I did.

“Shortly afterwards, through a crack in the hut, I saw the messengers arrive, and they were great truculent-looking fellows.  There were four of them, and evidently they had travelled night and day.  They entered with a swagger and squatted down before Nala.

“‘Your business?’ said Nala, frowning.

“‘We come from Wambe, bearing the orders of Wambe to Nala his servant,’ answered the spokesman of the party.

“‘Speak,’ said Nala, with a curious twitch of his nervous-looking mouth.

“’These are the words of Wambe:  “Send back the woman, my wife, who has run away from my kraal, and send with her the white man who has dared to hunt in my country without my leave, and to slay my soldiers.”  These are the words of Wambe.’

“‘And if I say I will not send them?’ asked Nala.

“’Then on behalf of Wambe we declare war upon you.  Wambe will eat you up.  He will wipe you out; your kraals shall be stamped flat—­so,’ and with an expressive gesture he drew his hand across his mouth to show how complete would be the annihilation of that chief who dared to defy Wambe.

“‘These are heavy words,’ said Nala.  ’Let me take counsel before I answer.’

“Then followed a little piece of acting that was really very creditable to the untutored savage mind.  The heralds withdrew, but not out of sight, and Nala went through the show of earnestly consulting his Indunas.  The girl Maiwa too flung herself at his feet, and appeared to weep and implore his protection, while he wrung his hands as though in doubt and tribulation of mind.  At length he summoned the messengers to draw near, and addressed them, while Maiwa sobbed very realistically at his side.

Project Gutenberg
Maiwa's Revenge from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.