The Guardian Angel eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 455 pages of information about The Guardian Angel.

The Guardian Angel eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 455 pages of information about The Guardian Angel.

Myrtle was naturally surprised at receiving a visit from him; but she was in just that unbalanced state in which almost any impression is welcome.  He showed so much interest, first in her health, then in her thoughts and feelings, always following her lead in the conversation, that before he left her she felt as if she had made a great discovery; namely, that this man, so formidable behind the guns of his wooden bastion, was a most tenderhearted and sympathizing person when he came out of it unarmed.  How delightful he was as he sat talking in the twilight in low and tender tones, with respectful pauses of listening, in which he looked as if he too had just made a discovery,—­of an angel, to wit, to whom he could not help unbosoming his tenderest emotions, as to a being from another sphere!

It was a new experience to Myrtle.  She was all ready for the spiritual manipulations of an expert.  The excitability which had been showing itself in spasms and strange paroxysms had been transferred to those nervous centres, whatever they may be, cerebral or ganglionic, which are concerned in the emotional movements of the religious nature.  It was taking her at an unfair disadvantage, no doubt.  In the old communion, some priest might have wrought upon her while in this condition, and we might have had at this very moment among us another Saint Theresa or Jacqueline Pascal.  She found but a dangerous substitute in the spiritual companionship of a saint like the Rev. Joseph Bellamy Stoker.

People think the confessional is unknown in our Protestant churches.  It is a great mistake.  The principal change is, that there is no screen between the penitent and the father confessor.  The minister knew his rights, and very soon asserted them.  He gave aunt Silence to understand that he could talk more at ease if he and his young disciple were left alone together.  Cynthia Badlam did not like this arrangement.  She was afraid to speak about it; but she glared at them aslant, with the look of a biting horse when his eyes follow one sideways until they are all white but one little vicious spark of pupil.

It was not very long before the Rev. Mr. Stoker had established pretty intimate relations with the household at The Poplars.  He had reason to think, he assured Miss Silence, that Myrtle was in a state of mind which promised a complete transformation of her character.  He used the phrases of his sect, of course, in talking with the elderly lady; but the language which he employed with the young girl was free from those mechanical expressions which would have been like to offend or disgust her.

Project Gutenberg
The Guardian Angel from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.