Over the Teacups eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 334 pages of information about Over the Teacups.

Over the Teacups eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 334 pages of information about Over the Teacups.

It is in A Song of Moses that we find the words, made very familiar to us by the Episcopal Burial Service, which place the natural limit on life at threescore years and ten, with an extra ten years for some of a stronger constitution than the average.  Yet we are told that Moses himself lived to be a hundred and twenty years old, and that his eye was not dim nor his natural strength abated.  This is hard to accept literally, but we need not doubt that he was very old, and in remarkably good condition for a man of his age.  Among his followers was a stout old captain, Caleb, the son of Jephunneh.  This ancient warrior speaks of himself in these brave terms:  “Lo, I am this day fourscore and five years old.  As yet, I am as strong this day as I was in the day that Moses sent me; as my strength was then, even so is my strength now, for war, both to go out and to come in.”  It is not likely that anybody believed his brag about his being as good a man for active service at eighty-five as he was at forty, when Moses sent him out to spy the land of Canaan.  But he was, no doubt, lusty and vigorous for his years, and ready to smite the Canaanites hip and thigh, and drive them out, and take possession of their land, as he did forthwith, when Moses gave him leave.

Grand old men there were, three thousand years ago!  But not all octogenarians were like Caleb, the son of Jephunneh.  Listen to poor old Barzillai, and hear him piping:  “I am this day fourscore years old; and can I discern between good and evil?  Can thy servant taste what I eat or what I drink?  Can I hear any more the voice of singing men and singing women?  Wherefore, then, should thy servant be yet a burden unto my lord the king?” And poor King David was worse off than this, as you all remember, at the early age of seventy.

Thirty centuries do not seem to have made any very great difference in the extreme limits of life.  Without pretending to rival the alleged cases of life prolonged beyond the middle of its second century, such as those of Henry Jenkins and Thomas Parr, we can make a good showing of centenarians and nonagenarians.  I myself remember Dr. Holyoke, of Salem, son of a president of Harvard College, who answered a toast proposed in his honor at a dinner given to him on his hundredth birthday.

“Father Cleveland,” our venerated city missionary, was born June 21, 1772, and died June 5, 1872, within a little more than a fortnight of his hundredth birthday.  Colonel Perkins, of Connecticut, died recently after celebrating his centennial anniversary.

Among nonagenarians, three whose names are well known to Bostonians, Lord Lyndhurst, Josiah Quincy, and Sidney Bartlett, were remarkable for retaining their faculties in their extreme age.  That patriarch of our American literature, the illustrious historian of his country, is still with us, his birth dating in 1800.

Ranke, the great German historian, died at the age of ninety-one, and Chevreul, the eminent chemist, at that of a hundred and two.

Project Gutenberg
Over the Teacups from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.