Saint's Progress eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 367 pages of information about Saint's Progress.

Saint's Progress eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 367 pages of information about Saint's Progress.

    “And we are put on earth a little space,
     That we may learn to bear the beams of love;
     And these black bodies and this sunburnt face
     Are but a cloud, and like a shady grove.

    “For when our souls have learned the heat to bear,
     The cloud will vanish, we shall hear His voice,
     Saying:  Come out from the grove, my love and care,
     And round my golden tent like lambs rejoice!”

Learned the heat to bear!  Those lambs he had watched in a field that afternoon, their sudden little leaps and rushes, their funny quivering wriggling tails, their tiny nuzzling black snouts—­what little miracles of careless joy among the meadow flowers!  Lambs, and flowers, and sunlight!  Famine, lust, and the great grey guns!  A maze, a wilderness; and but for faith, what issue, what path for man to take which did not keep him wandering hopeless, in its thicket?  ’God preserve our faith in love, in charity, and the life to come!’ he thought.  And a blind man with a dog, to whose neck was tied a little deep dish for pennies, ground a hurdy-gurdy as he passed.  Pierson put a shilling in the dish.  The man stopped playing, his whitish eyes looked up.  “Thank you kindly, sir; I’ll go home now.  Come on, Dick!” He tapped his way round the corner, with his dog straining in front.  A blackbird hidden among the blossoms of an acacia, burst into evening song, and another great grey munition-wagon rumbled out through the Park gate. 2

The Church-clock was striking nine when he reached Leila’s flat, went up, and knocked.  Sounds from-a piano ceased; the door was opened by Noel.  She recoiled when she saw who it was, and said: 

“Why did you come, Daddy?  It was much better not.”

“Are you alone here?”

“Yes; Leila gave me her key.  She has to be at the hospital till ten to-night”

“You must come home with me, my dear.”

Noel closed the piano, and sat down on the divan.  Her face had the same expression as when he had told her that she could not marry Cyril Morland.

“Come, Nollie,” he said; “don’t be unreasonable.  We must see this through together.”


“My dear, that’s childish.  Do you think the mere accident of your being or not being at home can affect my decision as to what my duty is?”

“Yes; it’s my being there that matters.  Those people don’t care, so long as it isn’t an open scandal”


“But it is so, Daddy.  Of course it’s so, and you know it.  If I’m away they’ll just pity you for having a bad daughter.  And quite right too.  I am a bad daughter.”

Pierson smiled.  “Just like when you were a tiny.”

“I wish I were a tiny again, or ten years older.  It’s this half age—­But I’m not coming back with you, Daddy; so it’s no good.”

Pierson sat down beside her.

“I’ve been thinking this over all day,” he said quietly.  “Perhaps in my pride I made a mistake when I first knew of your trouble.  Perhaps I ought to have accepted the consequences of my failure, then, and have given up, and taken you away at once.  After all, if a man is not fit to have the care of souls, he should have the grace to know it.”

Project Gutenberg
Saint's Progress from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.