Burlesques eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 581 pages of information about Burlesques.

Burlesques eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 581 pages of information about Burlesques.

“I briefly explained that I was not Baggs and Tapewell, but that my name was J—­ms, and that I was a gentleman connected with the establishment of the Morning Tatler newspaper.

“‘And what has brought you here, Mr. Morning Tatler?’ asked my interlocutor, rather roughly.  My answer was frank—­that the disappearance of a noble lady from the house of her friends had caused the greatest excitement in the metropolis, and that my employers were anxious to give the public every particular regarding an event so singular.

“’And do you mean to say, sir, that you have dogged me all the way from London, and that my family affairs are to be published for the readers of the Morning Tatler newspaper?  The Morning Tatter be ——­(the Captain here gave utterance to an oath which I shall not repeat) and you too, sir; you unpudent meddling scoundrel.’

“‘Scoundrel, sir!’ said I.  ‘Yes,’ replied the irate gentleman, seizing me rudely by the collar—­and he would have choked me, but that my blue satin stock and false collar gave way, and were left in the hands of this gentleman.  ‘Help, landlord!’ I loudly exclaimed, adding, I believe, ‘murder,’ and other exclamations of alarm.  In vain I appealed to the crowd, which by this time was pretty considerable; they and the unfeeling post-boys only burst into laughter, and called out, ’Give it him, Captain.’  A struggle ensued, in which I have no doubt I should have had the better, but that the Captain, joining suddenly in the general and indecent hilarity, which was doubled when I fell down, stopped and said, ’Well, Jims, I won’t fight on my marriage-day.  Go into the tap, Jims, and order a glass of brandy-and-water at my expense—­and mind I don’t see your face to-morrow morning, or I’ll make it more ugly than it is.’

“With these gross expressions and a cheer from the crowd, Mr. Silvertop entered the inn.  I need not say that I did not partake of his hospitality, and that personally I despise his insults.  I make them known that they may call down the indignation of the body of which I am a member, and throw myself on the sympathy of the public, as a gentleman shamefully assaulted and insulted in the discharge of a public duty.”

“Thus you’ve sean how the flower of my affeckshns was tawn out of my busm, and my art was left bleading.  Hangelina!  I forgive thee.  Mace thou be appy!  If ever artfelt prayer for others wheel awailed on i, the beink on womb you trampled addresses those subblygations to Evn in your be1/2!

“I went home like a maniack, after hearing the announcement of Hangelina’s departur.  She’d been gone twenty hours when I heard the fatle noose.  Purshoot was vain.  Suppose I did kitch her up, they were married, and what could we do?  This sensable remark I made to Earl Bareacres, when that distragted nobleman igspawstulated with me.  Er who was to have been my mother-in-lor, the Countiss, I never from that momink sor agin.  My presnts, troosoes, juels, &c., were sent back—­with the igsepshn of the diminds and Cashmear shawl, which her Ladyship COODN’T find.  Ony it was whispered that at the nex buthday she was seen with a shawl IGSACKLY of the same PATTN.  Let er keep it.

Project Gutenberg
Burlesques from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.