The Writings of Abraham Lincoln — Volume 7: 1863-1865 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 272 pages of information about The Writings of Abraham Lincoln — Volume 7.

The Writings of Abraham Lincoln — Volume 7: 1863-1865 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 272 pages of information about The Writings of Abraham Lincoln — Volume 7.

Of widows, orphans, and mothers 22,198 have been placed on the army pension rolls and 248 on the navy rolls.  The present number of army pensioners of this class is 25,433 and of navy pensioners 793.  At the beginning of the year the number of Revolutionary pensioners was 1430.  Only twelve of them were soldiers, of whom seven have since died.  The remainder are those who under the law receive pensions because of relationship to Revolutionary soldiers.  During the year ending the thirtieth of June, 1864, $4,504,616.92 have been paid to pensioners of all classes.

I cheerfully commend to your continued patronage the benevolent institutions of the District of Columbia which have hitherto been established or fostered by Congress, and respectfully refer for information concerning them and in relation to the Washington Aqueduct, the Capitol, and other matters of local interest to the report of the Secretary.

The Agricultural Department, under the supervision of its present energetic and faithful head, is rapidly commending itself to the great and vital interest it was created to advance.  It is peculiarly the people’s department, in which they feel more directly concerned than in any other.  I commend it to the continued attention and fostering care of Congress.

The war continues.  Since the last annual message all the important lines and positions then occupied by our forces have been maintained and our arms have steadily advanced, thus liberating the regions left in rear, so that Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, and parts of other States have again produced reasonably fair crops.

The most remarkable feature in the military operations of the year is General Sherman’s attempted march of three hundred miles directly through the insurgent region.  It tends to show a great increase of our relative strength that our General-in-Chief should feel able to confront and hold in check every active force of the enemy, and yet to detach a well-appointed large army to move on such an expedition.  The result not yet being known, conjecture in regard to it is not here indulged.

Important movements have also occurred during the year to the effect of molding society for durability in the Union.  Although short of complete success, it is much in the right direction that twelve thousand citizens in each of the States of Arkansas and Louisiana have organized loyal State governments, with free constitutions, and are earnestly struggling to maintain and administer them.  The movements in the same direction more extensive though less definite in Missouri, Kentucky, and Tennessee, should not be overlooked.  But Maryland presents the example of complete success.  Maryland is secure to liberty and union for all the future.  The genius of rebellion will no more claim Maryland.  Like another foul spirit being driven out, it may seek to tear her, but it will woo her no more.

Project Gutenberg
The Writings of Abraham Lincoln — Volume 7: 1863-1865 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.