The Writings of Abraham Lincoln — Volume 6: 1862-1863 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 350 pages of information about The Writings of Abraham Lincoln — Volume 6.

The Writings of Abraham Lincoln — Volume 6: 1862-1863 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 350 pages of information about The Writings of Abraham Lincoln — Volume 6.

A. Lincoln.


Washington, D.C.  July 2, 1862.

Major-general Halleck, Corinth, Mississippi: 

Your several despatches of yesterday to Secretary of War and myself received.  I did say, and now repeat, I would be exceedingly glad for some reinforcements from you.  Still do not send a man if in your judgment it will endanger any point you deem important to hold, or will force you to give up or weaken or delay the Chattanooga expedition.

Please tell me could you not make me a flying visit for consultation without endangering the Service in your department.

A. Lincoln.


Executive Mansion, July 2, 1862.

To the Senate of the united states

I herewith return to your honorable body, in which it originated, an act entitled “An act to provide for additional medical officers of the volunteer service,” without my approval.

My reason for so doing is that I have approved an act of the same title passed by Congress after the passage of the one first mentioned for the express purpose of correcting errors in and superseding the same, as I am informed.

Abraham Lincoln.

CIRCULAR LETTER TO THE GOVERNORS.  (Private and Confidential.)

War department, July 3, 1862.10.30 A.M.

Governor Washburn, Maine [and other governors] I should not want the half of 300,000 new troops if I could have them now.  If I had 50,000 additional troops here now, I believe I could substantially close the war in two weeks.  But time is everything, and if I get 50,000 new men in a month, I shall have lost 20,000 old ones during the same month, having gained only 30,000, with the difference between old and new troops still against me.  The quicker you send, the fewer you will have to send.  Time is everything.  Please act in view of this.  The enemy having given up Corinth, it is not wonderful that he is thereby enabled to check us for a time at Richmond.

Yours truly,

A. Lincoln.


Major-general George B. McCLELLAN: 

Yours of 5.30 yesterday is just received.  I am satisfied that yourself, officers, and men have done the best you could.  All accounts say better fighting was never done.  Ten thousand thanks for it.

On the 28th we sent General Burnside an order to send all the force he could spare to you.  We then learned that you had requested him to go to Goldsborough; upon which we said to him our order was intended for your benefit, and we did not wish to be in conflict with your views.

Project Gutenberg
The Writings of Abraham Lincoln — Volume 6: 1862-1863 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.