Corinth was evacuated last night, and is occupied by our troops to-day; the enemy gone south to Okolotia, on the railroad to Mobile.
A. Lincoln.
War department Washington city, May 30, 1862.9.30 P.M.
Major-general McDOWELL, Rectortown, Va.:
I send you a despatch just received from Saxton at Harper’s Ferry: “The rebels are in line of battle in front of our lines. They have nine pieces of artillery, and in position, and cavalry. I shelled the woods in which they were, and they in return threw a large number of shells into the lines and tents from which I moved last night to take up a stronger position. I expect a great deal from the battery on the mountain, having three 9 inch Dahlgren bearing directly on the enemy’s approaches. The enemy appeared this morning and then retired, with the intention of drawing us on. I shall act on the defensive, as my position is a strong one. In a skirmish which took place this afternoon I lost one horse, The enemy lost two men killed and seven wounded.
“R. Saxton, Brigadier General.”
It seems the game is before you. Have sent a copy to General Fremont.
A. Lincoln.
Washington, May 31, 1862. 10.20 PM.
Major-general McCLELLAN:
A circle whose circumference shall pass through Harper’s Ferry, Front Royal, and Strasburg, and whose center shall be a little northeast of Winchester, almost certainly has within it this morning the forces of Jackson, Ewell, and Edward Johnson. Quite certainly they were within it two days ago. Some part of their forces attacked Harper’s Ferry at dark last evening, and are still in sight this morning. Shields, with McDowell’s advance, retook Front Royal at 11 A.M. yesterday, with a dozen of our own prisoners taken there a week ago, 150 of the enemy, two locomotives, and eleven cars, some other property and stores, and saved the bridge.
General Fremont, from the direction of Moorefield, promises to be at or near Strasburg at 5 P.M. to-day. General Banks at Williamsport, with his old force and his new force at Harper’s Ferry, is directed to co-operate. Shields at Front Royal reports a rumor of still an additional force of the enemy, supposed to be Anderson’s, having entered the valley of Virginia. This last may or may not be true. Corinth is certainly in the hands of General Halleck.
A. Lincoln.
To general G. A. McCALL, Washington, May 31, 1562.
General McCALL:
The President directs me to say to you that there can be nothing to justify a panic at Fredericksburg. He expects you to maintain your position there as becomes a soldier and a general.