Writings of Abraham Lincoln, the — Volume 2: 1843-1858 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 312 pages of information about Writings of Abraham Lincoln, the — Volume 2.

Writings of Abraham Lincoln, the — Volume 2: 1843-1858 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 312 pages of information about Writings of Abraham Lincoln, the — Volume 2.

“Alas, who can realize that Henry Clay is dead!  Who can realize that never again that majestic form shall rise in the council-chambers of his country to beat back the storms of anarchy which may threaten, or pour the oil of peace upon the troubled billows as they rage and menace around!  Who can realize that the workings of that mighty mind have ceased, that the throbbings of that gallant heart are stilled, that the mighty sweep of that graceful arm will be felt no more, and the magic of that eloquent tongue, which spake as spake no other tongue besides, is hushed hushed for ever!  Who can realize that freedom’s champion, the champion of a civilized world and of all tongues and kindreds of people, has indeed fallen!  Alas, in those dark hours of peril and dread which our land has experienced, and which she may be called to experience again, to whom now may her people look up for that counsel and advice which only wisdom and experience and patriotism can give, and which only the undoubting confidence of a nation will receive?  Perchance in the whole circle of the great and gifted of our land there remains but one on whose shoulders the mighty mantle of the departed statesman may fall; one who while we now write is doubtless pouring his tears over the bier of his brother and friend brother, friend, ever, yet in political sentiment as far apart as party could make them.  Ah, it is at times like these that the petty distinctions of mere party disappear.  We see only the great, the grand, the noble features of the departed statesman; and we do not even beg permission to bow at his feet and mingle our tears with those who have ever been his political adherents—­we do [not] beg this permission, we claim it as a right, though we feel it as a privilege.  Henry Clay belonged to his country—­to the world; mere party cannot claim men like him.  His career has been national, his fame has filled the earth, his memory will endure to the last syllable of recorded time.

“Henry Clay is dead!  He breathed his last on yesterday, at twenty minutes after eleven, in his chamber at Washington.  To those who followed his lead in public affairs, it more appropriately belongs to pronounce his eulogy and pay specific honors to the memory of the illustrious dead.  But all Americans may show the grief which his death inspires, for his character and fame are national property.  As on a question of liberty he knew no North, no South, no East, no West, but only the Union which held them all in its sacred circle, so now his countrymen will know no grief that is not as wide-spread as the bounds of the confederacy.  The career of Henry Clay was a public career.  From his youth he has been devoted to the public service, at a period, too, in the world’s history justly regarded as a remarkable era in human affairs.  He witnessed in the beginning the throes of the French Revolution.  He saw the rise and fall of Napoleon.  He was called upon to legislate for America and direct her policy when all Europe was the battlefield of contending dynasties, and when the struggle for supremacy imperilled the rights of all neutral nations.  His voice spoke war and peace in the contest with Great Britain.

Project Gutenberg
Writings of Abraham Lincoln, the — Volume 2: 1843-1858 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.