Personal Memoirs of P. H. Sheridan, General, United States Army — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 334 pages of information about Personal Memoirs of P. H. Sheridan, General, United States Army — Volume 2.

Personal Memoirs of P. H. Sheridan, General, United States Army — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 334 pages of information about Personal Memoirs of P. H. Sheridan, General, United States Army — Volume 2.

“Pending the decision of the Attorney-General of the United States on the question as to who are disfranchised by law, registers will give the most rigid interpretation to the law, and exclude from registration every person about whose right to vote there may be a doubt.  Any person so excluded who may, under the decision of the Attorney-General, be entitled to vote, shall be permitted to register after that decision is received, due notice of which will be given.

“By command of Major-General P. H. Sheridan,

“Assistant Adjutant-General.”

The parish Boards of Registration were composed of three members each.  Ability to take what was known as the “ironclad oath” was the qualification exacted of the members, and they were prohibited from becoming candidates for office.  In the execution of their duties they were to be governed by the provisions of the supplemental act.  It was also made one of their functions to designate the number and location of the polling-places in the several districts, to appoint commissioners for receiving the votes and in general to attend to such other matters as were necessary, in order properly to conduct the voting, and afterward to receive from the commissioners the result of the vote and forward it to my headquarters.  These registers, and all other officers having to do with elections, were to be held to a rigid accountability, and be subject to trial by military commission for fraud or unlawful or improper conduct in the performance of their duties; and in order to be certain that the Registration Boards performed their work faithfully and intelligently, officers of the army were appointed as supervisors.  To this end the parishes were grouped together conveniently in temporary districts, each officer having from three to five parishes to supervise.  The programme thus mapped out for carrying out the law in Louisiana was likewise adhered to in Texas, and indeed was followed as a model in some of the other military districts.

Although Military Commissions were fully authorized by the Reconstruction acts, yet I did not favor their use in governing the district, and probably would never have convened one had these acts been observed in good faith.  I much preferred that the civil courts, and the State and municipal authorities already in existence, should perform their functions without military control or interference, but occasionally, because the civil authorities neglected their duty, I was obliged to resort to this means to ensure the punishment Of offenders.  At this time the condition of the negroes in Texas and Louisiana was lamentable, though, in fact, not worse than that of the few white loyalists who had been true to the Union during the war.  These last were singled out as special objects of attack, and were, therefore, obliged at all times to be on the alert for the protection of their lives and property.  This was the natural outcome of

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Personal Memoirs of P. H. Sheridan, General, United States Army — Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.