George Cruikshank eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 59 pages of information about George Cruikshank.

George Cruikshank eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 59 pages of information about George Cruikshank.

It is needless to state what was the result of the interview.  M. Desonge was induced by the gentleman to sign his name to one of the black-edged papers, and found himself at the close of the conversation to be possessed of an unlimited command of capital.  This arrangement completed, the Gentleman in Black posted (in an extraordinarily rapid manner) from Paris to London, there found a young English merchant in exactly the same situation in which M. Desonge had been, and concluded a bargain with the Briton of exactly the same nature.

The book goes on to relate how these young men spent the money so miraculously handed over to them, and how both, when the period drew near that was to witness the performance of their part of the bargain, grew melancholy, wretched, nay, so absolutely dishonorable as to seek for every means of breaking through their agreement.  The Englishman living in a country where the lawyers are more astute than any other lawyers in the world, took the advice of a Mr. Bagsby, of Lyon’s Inn; whose name, as we cannot find it in the “Law List,” we presume to be fictitious.  Who could it be that was a match for the devil?  Lord ——­ very likely; we shall not give his name, but let every reader of this Review fill up the blank according to his own fancy, and on comparing it with the copy purchased by his neighbors, he will find that fifteen out of twenty have written down the same honored name.

Well, the Gentleman in Black was anxious for the fulfilment of his bond.  The parties met at Mr. Bagsby’s chambers to consult, the Black Gentleman foolishly thinking that he could act as his own counsel, and fearing no attorney alive.  But mark the superiority of British law, and see how the black pettifogger was defeated.

Mr. Bagsby simply stated that he would take the case into Chancery, and his antagonist, utterly humiliated and defeated, refused to move a step farther in the matter.

And now the French gentleman, M. Desonge, hearing of his friend’s escape, became anxious to be free from his own rash engagements.  He employed the same counsel who had been successful in the former instance, but the Gentleman in Black was a great deal wiser by this time, and whether M. Desonge escaped, or whether he is now in that extensive place which is paved with good intentions, we shall not say.  Those who are anxious to know had better purchase the book wherein all these interesting matters are duly set down.  There is one more diabolical picture in our budget, engraved by Mr. Thompson, the same dexterous artist who has rendered the former diableries so well.

Project Gutenberg
George Cruikshank from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.