Memoirs of Gen. William T. Sherman — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 601 pages of information about Memoirs of Gen. William T. Sherman — Volume 2.

Memoirs of Gen. William T. Sherman — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 601 pages of information about Memoirs of Gen. William T. Sherman — Volume 2.

The “feeding” of an army is a matter of the most vital importance, and demands the earliest attention of the general intrusted with a campaign.  To be strong, healthy, and capable of the largest measure of physical effort, the soldier needs about three pounds gross of food per day, and the horse or mule about twenty pounds.  When a general first estimates the quantity of food and forage needed for an army of fifty or one hundred thousand men, he is apt to be dismayed, and here a good staff is indispensable, though the general cannot throw off on them the responsibility.  He must give the subject his personal attention, for the army reposes in him alone, and should never doubt the fact that their existence overrides in importance all other considerations.  Once satisfied of this, and that all has been done that can be, the soldiers are always willing to bear the largest measure of privation.  Probably no army ever had a more varied experience in this regard than the one I commanded in 1864’65.

Our base of supply was at Nashville, supplied by railways and the Cumberland River, thence by rail to Chattanooga, a “secondary base,” and thence forward a single-track railroad.  The stores came forward daily, but I endeavored to have on hand a full supply for twenty days in advance.  These stores were habitually in the wagon-trains, distributed to corps, divisions, and regiments, in charge of experienced quartermasters and commissaries, and became subject to the orders of the generals commanding these bodies.  They were generally issued on provision returns, but these had to be closely scrutinized, for too often the colonels would make requisitions for provisions for more men than they reported for battle.  Of course, there are always a good many non-combatants with an army, but, after careful study, I limited their amount to twenty-five per cent. of the “effective strength,” and that was found to be liberal.  An ordinary army-wagon drawn by six mules may be counted on to carry three thousand pounds net, equal to the food of a full regiment for one day, but, by driving along beef-cattle, a commissary may safely count the contents of one wagon as sufficient for two days’ food for a regiment of a thousand men; and as a corps should have food on hand for twenty days ready for detachment, it should have three hundred such wagons, as a provision-train; and for forage, ammunition, clothing, and other necessary stores, it was found necessary to have three hundred more wagons, or six hundred wagons in all, for a corps d’armee.

These should be absolutely under the immediate control of the corps commander, who will, however, find it economical to distribute them in due proportion to his divisions, brigades, and even regiments.  Each regiment ought usually to have at least one wagon for convenience to distribute stores, and each company two pack-mules, so that the regiment may always be certain of a meal on reaching camp without waiting for the larger trains.

Project Gutenberg
Memoirs of Gen. William T. Sherman — Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.