Memoirs of Gen. William T. Sherman — Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 628 pages of information about Memoirs of Gen. William T. Sherman — Volume 1.

Memoirs of Gen. William T. Sherman — Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 628 pages of information about Memoirs of Gen. William T. Sherman — Volume 1.

The battle of Shiloh had been fought, as described, on the 6th and 7th of April; and when the movement of the 8th had revealed that our enemy was gone, in full retreat, leaving killed, wounded, and much property by the way, we all experienced a feeling of relief.  The struggle had been so long, so desperate and bloody, that the survivors seemed exhausted and nerveless; we appreciated the value of the victory, but realized also its great cost of life.  The close of the battle had left the Army of the Tennessee on the right, and the Army of the Ohio on the left; but I believe neither General Grant nor Buell exercised command, the one over the other; each of them having his hands full in repairing damages.  All the division, brigade, and regimental commanders were busy in collecting stragglers, regaining lost property, in burying dead men and horses, and in providing for their wounded.  Some few new regiments came forward, and some changes of organization became necessary.  Then, or very soon after, I consolidated my font brigades into three, which were commanded:  First, Brigadier-General Morgan L:  Smith; Second, Colonel John A. McDowell; Third, Brigadier-General J. W. Denver.  About the same time I was promoted to major-general volunteers.

The Seventy-first Ohio was detached to Clarksville, Tennessee, and the Sixth and Eighth Missouri were transferred to my division.

In a few days after the battle, General Halleck arrived by steamboat from St. Louis, pitched his camp near the steamboat-landing, and assumed personal command of all the armies.  He was attended by his staff, composed of General G. W. Cullum, U. S. Engineers, as his chief of staff; Colonel George Thom, U. S. Engineers; and Colonels Kelton and Kemper, adjutants-general.  It soon became manifest that his mind had been prejudiced by the rumors which had gone forth to the detriment of General Grant; for in a few days he issued an order, reorganizing and rearranging the whole army.  General Buell’s Army of the Ohio constituted the centre; General Pope’s army, then arriving at Hamburg Landing, was the left; the right was made up of mine and Hurlbut’s divisions, belonging to the old Army of the Tennessee, and two new ones, made up from the fragments of the divisions of Prentiss and C. F. Smith, and of troops transferred thereto, commanded by Generals T. W. Sherman and Davies.  General George H. Thomas was taken from Buell, to command the right.  McClernand’s and Lew Wallace’s divisions were styled the reserve, to be commanded by McClernand.  General Grant was substantially left out, and was named “second in command,” according to some French notion, with no clear, well-defined command or authority.  He still retained his old staff, composed of Rawlins, adjutant-general; Riggin, Lagow, and Hilyer, aides; and he had a small company of the Fourth Illinois Cavalry as an escort.  For more than a month he thus remained, without any apparent authority, frequently visiting me and others, and rarely complaining; but I could see that he felt deeply the indignity, if not insult, heaped upon him.

Project Gutenberg
Memoirs of Gen. William T. Sherman — Volume 1 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.