History of England, from the Accession of James the Second, the — Volume 5 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 347 pages of information about History of England, from the Accession of James the Second, the — Volume 5.

History of England, from the Accession of James the Second, the — Volume 5 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 347 pages of information about History of England, from the Accession of James the Second, the — Volume 5.
remember the military despotism of Cromwell, who had been an active politician in the days of the Cabal, and who had seen his own beautiful county turned into a Golgotha by the Bloody Circuit, declared that the liberties of the nation had never been in greater danger than at that moment, and that their doom would be fixed if a courtier should be called to the chair.  The opposition insisted on dividing.  Hartington’s motion was carried by two hundred and forty-two votes to a hundred and thirty-five, Littleton himself, according to the childish old usage which has descended to our times, voting in the minority.  Three days later, he was presented and approved.

The King then spoke from the throne.  He declared his firm conviction that the Houses were disposed to do whatever was necessary for the safety, honour and happiness of the kingdom; and he asked them for nothing more.  When they came to consider the military and naval establishments, they would remember that, unless England were secure from attack, she could not continue to hold the high place which she had won for herself among European powers; her trade would languish; her credit would fail; and even her internal tranquillity would be in danger.  He also expressed a hope that some progress would be made in the discharge of the debts contracted during the War.  “I think,” he said, “an English Parliament can never make such a mistake as not to hold sacred all Parliamentary engagements.”

The speech appeared to be well received; and during a short time William flattered himself that the great fault, as he considered it, of the preceding session would be repaired, that the army would be augmented, and that he should be able, at the important conjuncture which was approaching, to speak to foreign powers in tones of authority, and especially to keep France steady to her engagements.  The Whigs of the junto, better acquainted with the temper of the country and of the new House of Commons, pronounced it impossible to carry a vote for a land force of more than ten thousand men.  Ten thousand men would probably be obtained if His Majesty would authorise his servants to ask in his name for that number, and to declare that with a smaller number he could not answer for the public safety.  William, firmly convinced that twenty thousand would be too few, refused to make or empower others to make a proposition which seemed to him absurd and disgraceful.  Thus, at a moment at which it was peculiarly desirable that all who bore a part in the executive administration should act cordially together, there was serious dissension between him and his ablest councillors.  For that dissension neither he nor they can be severely blamed.  They were differently situated, and necessarily saw the same objects from different points of view.  He, as was natural, considered the question chiefly as an European question.  They, as was natural, considered it chiefly as an English question.  They had found

Project Gutenberg
History of England, from the Accession of James the Second, the — Volume 5 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.