History of England, from the Accession of James the Second, the — Volume 4 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 965 pages of information about History of England, from the Accession of James the Second, the — Volume 4.

History of England, from the Accession of James the Second, the — Volume 4 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 965 pages of information about History of England, from the Accession of James the Second, the — Volume 4.

Of these companies by far the most important was that which had been, on the last day of the sixteenth century, incorporated by Queen Elizabeth under the name of the Governor and Company of Merchants of London trading to the East Indies.  When this celebrated body began to exist, the Mogul monarchy was at the zenith of power and glory.  Akbar, the ablest and best of the princes of the House of Tamerlane, had just been borne, full of years and honours, to a mausoleum surpassing in magnificence any that Europe could show.  He had bequeathed to his posterity an empire containing more than twenty times the population and yielding more than twenty times the revenue of the England which, under our great Queen, held a foremost place among European powers.  It is curious and interesting to consider how little the two countries, destined to be one day so closely connected, were then known to each other.  The most enlightened Englishmen looked on India with ignorant admiration.  The most enlightened natives of India were scarcely aware that England existed.  Our ancestors had a dim notion of endless bazaars, swarming with buyers and sellers, and blazing with cloth of gold, with variegated silks and with precious stones; of treasuries where diamonds were piled in heaps and sequins in mountains; of palaces, compared with which Whitehall and Hampton Court were hovels; of armies ten times as numerous as that which they had seen assembled at Tilbury to repel the Armada.  On the other hand, it was probably not known to one of the statesmen in the Durbar of Agra that there was near the setting sun a great city of infidels, called London, where a woman reigned, and that she had given to an association of Frank merchants the exclusive privilege of freighting ships from her dominions to the Indian seas.  That this association would one day rule all India, from the ocean to the everlasting snow, would reduce to profound obedience great provinces which had never submitted to Akbar’s authority, would send Lieutenant Governors to preside in his capital, and would dole out a monthly pension to his heir, would have seemed to the wisest of European or of Oriental politicians as impossible as that inhabitants of our globe should found an empire in Venus or Jupiter.

Three generations passed away; and still nothing indicated that the East India Company would ever become a great Asiatic potentate.  The Mogul empire, though undermined by internal causes of decay, and tottering to its fall, still presented to distant nations the appearance of undiminished prosperity and vigour.  Aurengzebe, who, in the same month in which Oliver Cromwell died, assumed the magnificent title of Conqueror of the World, continued to reign till Anne had been long on the English throne.  He was the sovereign of a larger territory than had obeyed any of his predecessors.  His name was great in the farthest regions of the West.  Here he had been made by Dryden the hero of a tragedy which would alone suffice to show how little the English

Project Gutenberg
History of England, from the Accession of James the Second, the — Volume 4 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.