Queen Sheba's Ring eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 368 pages of information about Queen Sheba's Ring.

Queen Sheba's Ring eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 368 pages of information about Queen Sheba's Ring.

Very silently we propped open this primaeval door and looked out.  Now the full moon was up, and her brilliant light had begun to flood the gulf.  By it we saw a dense shadow, that reached from the ground to three hundred feet or so above us.  This we knew to be that thrown by the flanks of the gigantic sphinx which projected beyond the mountain of stone whereon it rested, those flanks whence, according to Shadrach, Higgs would be lowered in a food-basket.  In this shadow and on either side of it, covering a space of quite a hundred yards square, lay the feeding-den, whence arose a sickly and horrible odour such as is common to any place frequented by cats, mingled with the more pungent smell of decaying flesh.

This darksome den was surrounded on three sides by precipices, and on the fourth, that toward the east, enclosed by a wall or barrier of rock pierced with several gates made of bars of metal, or so we judged by the light that flowed through them.

From beyond this eastern wall came dreadful sounds of roars, snarls, and whimperings.  Evidently there the sacred lions had their home.

Only one more thing need be mentioned.  On the rock floor almost immediately beneath us lay remains which, from their torn clothes and hair, we knew must be human.  As somebody explained, I think it was Shadrach, they were those of the man whom Orme had shot upon the tail of the sphinx, and of his companions who had been tilted off the ladder.

For awhile we gazed at this horrible hole in silence.  Then Oliver took out his watch, which was a repeater, and struck it.

“Higgs told me,” he said, “that he was to be thrown to the lions two hours after moonrise, which is within fifteen minutes or so.  Sergeant, I think we had better be getting ready.”

“Yes, Captain,” answered Quick; “but everything is quite ready, including those brutes, to judge by the noise they make, excepting perhaps Samuel Quick, who never felt less ready for anything in his life.  Now then, Pussy, run out that ladder.  Here’s your rifle, Captain, and six reload clips of cartridges, five hollow-nosed bullets in each.  You’ll never want more than that, and it’s no use carrying extra weight.  In your right-hand pocket, Captain, don’t forget.  I’ve the same in mine.  Doctor, here’s a pile for you; laid upon that stone.  If you lie there, you’ll have a good light and rest for your elbow, and at this range ought to make very pretty shooting, even in the moonlight.  Best keep your pistol on the safe, Captain; at least, I’m doing so, as we might get a fall, and these new-fangled weapons are very hair-triggered.  Here’s Japhet ready, too, so give us your marching orders, sir, and we will go to business; the Doctor will translate to Japhet.”

Project Gutenberg
Queen Sheba's Ring from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.