Will have my reckoning—Either you lie,
Under the skirt of sinless majesty
Shrouding your treason; or if that indeed,
Guilty itself, take refuge in the stars
That cannot hear the charge, or disavow—
You, whether doer or deviser, who
Come first to hand, shall pay the penalty
By the same hand you owe it to—
(Seizing Clotaldo’s sword and about to strike him.)
(Enter Rosaura suddenly.)
Fie, my Lord—forbear,
What! a young hand raised
against silver hair!—
(She retreats through the crowd.)
Stay! stay! What
come and vanish’d as before—
I scarce remember how—but—
(Voices within. Room for Astolfo, Duke of Muscovy!)
(Enter Astolfo)
Welcome, thrice welcome,
the auspicious day,
When from the mountain
where he darkling lay,
The Polish sun into
the firmament
Sprung all the brighter
for his late ascent,
And in meridian glory—
Where is he?
Why must I ask this
A lord.
The Page, my Lord?
I wonder at his boldness—
But I tell you
He came with Angel written
in his face
As now it is, when all
was black as hell
About, and none of you
who now—he came,
And Angel-like flung
me a shining sword
To cut my way through
darkness; and again
Angel-like wrests it
from me in behalf
Of one—whom
I will spare for sparing him:
But he must come and
plead with that same voice
That pray’d for
me—in vain.
He is gone for,
And shall attend your
pleasure, sir. Meanwhile,
Will not your Highness,
as in courtesy,
Return your royal cousin’s
Astolfo, Duke of Muscovy,
my Lord,
Saluted, and with gallant
Welcomed you to your
royal title.
Seg. (to Astolfo).
You knew of this then?
Knew of what, my Lord?
That I was Prince of
Poland all the while,
And you my subject?
Pardon me, my Lord,
But some few hours ago
myself I learn’d
Your dignity; but, knowing
it, no more
Than when I knew it
not, your subject.
What then?
Your Highness’
chamberlain ev’n now has told you;
Astolfo, Duke of Muscovy,
Your father’s
sister’s son; your cousin, sir:
And who as such, and
in his own right Prince,
Expects from you the
courtesy he shows.