[20]. Cf . “Compte général des revenus et dépenses fixes au 1er Mai, 1789” (Imprimerie royale, 1789, in 4to). Estate of Ile-Dieu, acquired in 1783 of the Duc de Mortemart, 1,000,000; estate of Viviers, acquired of the Prince de Soubise in 1784, 1,500,000. — Estates of St. Priest and of St. Etienne, acquired in 1787 of M. Gilbert des Voisins, 1,335,935. — The forests of Camors and of Floranges, acquired of the Duc de Liancourt in 1785, 1,200,000. — The county of Montgommery, acquired of M. Clement de Basville in 1785, 3,306,604.
[21]. “Le President des Brosses,” by Foisset. (Remonstrances to the king by the Parliament of Dijon, Jan. 19, 1764).
[22]. Lucas de Montigny, “Mémoires de Mirabeau.” Letter of the bailiff, May 26, 1781. — D’Argenson, “Mémoires,” VI. 156, 157, 160, 76; VI. p. 320. — Marshal Marmont, “Mémoires,” I. 9. — De Ferrières, “Mémoires,” preface. See, on the difficulty in succeeding, the Memoirs of Dumourier. Châteaubriand’s father is likewise one of the discontented, “a political frondeur, and very inimical to the court.” (I. 206). — Records of the States-General of 1789, a general summary by Prud’homme, II. passim.
[23]. “Ephémérides du citoyen,” II. 202, 203. — Voltaire, “Dictionnaire philosophique,” article “Curé de Campagne.” — Abbé Guettée, “Histoire de l’Eglise de France,” XII. 130.
[24]. Those entitled to tithes in cereals.- Tr.
[25]. A curate’s salary at the present day (1875) is, at the minimum, 900 francs with a house and perquisites.
[26]. Théron de Montaugé, “L’Agriculture les classes rurale, dans le pays Toulousain,” p. 86.
[27]. Périn, “la Jeunesse de Robespierre,” grievances of the rural parishes of Artois, p. 320.— Boivin-Champeaux, ibid.. pp. 65, 68. — Hippeau, ibid.. VI. p. 79, et VII. 177. — Letter of M. Sergent, curate of Vallers, January 27, 1790. (Archives nationales, DXIX. portfolio 24.) Letter of M. Briscard, curate of Beaumont-la-Roger, diocese of Evreux, December 19, 1789. (ibid.. DXIX. portfolio 6.) “Tableau moral du clergé de France” (1789), p. 2.
[28]. He who has the right of receiving the first year’s income of a parish church after a vacancy caused by death.- Tr.
[29]. One who performs masses for the dead at fixed epochs.- Tr.
[30]. Grievances on the additional burdens which the Third-Estate have to support, by Gautier de Bianzat (1788), p 237.
[31]. Hippeau, ibid. VI. 164. (Letter of the Curate of Marolles and of thirteen others,. Letter of the bishop of Evreux, March 20, 1789. Letter of the abbé d’Osmond, April 2, 1789). — Archives nationales, manuscript documents (proces-verbeaux) of the States-General, V. 148. pp. 245-47. Registers of the curates of Toulouse, t. 150, p. 282, in the representations of the Dijon chapter.
[32]. De Toqueville, book II. This capital truth as been established by M. de Tocqueville with superior discernment.