but only injustice has been the outcome since the
seigniors made use of their influence to relieve their
own tenants.” [58] Besides, in addition to
those who, through favor, diminish their taille, there
are others who buy themselves off entirely. An
intendant, visiting the subdelegation of Bar-sur-Seine,
observes” that the rich cultivators succeed
in obtaining petty commissions in connection with
the king’s household and enjoy the privileges
attached to these, which throws the burden of taxation
on the others."[59] “One of the leading causes
of our prodigious taxation,” says the provincial
assembly of Auvergne, “is the inconceivable number
of the privileged, which daily increases through traffic
in and the assignment of offices; cases occur in which
these have ennobled six families in less than twenty
years.” Should this abuse continue, “in
a hundred years every tax-payer the most capable of
supporting taxation will be ennobled."[60] Observe,
moreover, that an infinity of offices and functions,
without conferring nobility, exempt their titularies
from the personal taille and reduce their poll-tax
to the fortieth of their income; at first, all public
functionaries, administrative or judicial, and next
all employments in the salt-department, in the customs,
in the post-office, in the royal domains, and in the
excise.[61] “There are few parishes,” writes
an intendant, “in which these employees are
not found, while several contain as many as two or
three."[62] A postmaster is exempt from the taille,
in all his possessions and offices, and even on his
farms to the extent of a hundred arpents. The
notaries of Angoulême are exempt from the corvée,
from collections, and the lodging of soldiers, while
neither their sons or chief clerks can be drafted
in the militia. On closely examining the great
fiscal net in administrative correspondence, we detect
at every step some meshes through which, with a bit
of effort and cunning, all the big and average-sized
fish escape; the small fry alone remain at the bottom
of the scoop. A surgeon not an apothecary, a
man of good family forty-five years old, in commerce,
but living with his parent and in a province with
a written code, escapes the collector. The same
immunity is extended to the begging agents of the
monks of “la Merci” and “L’Etroite
Observance.” Throughout the South and the
East individuals in easy circumstances purchase this
commission of beggar for a “louis,” or
for ten crowns, and, putting three livres in a cup,
go about presenting it in this or that parish:[63]
ten of the inhabitants of a small mountain village
and five inhabitants in the little village of Treignac
obtain their discharge in this fashion. Consequently,
“the collections fall on the poor, always powerless
and often insolvent,” the privileged who effect
the ruin of the tax-payer causing the deficiencies
of the treasury.
The octrois of towns. — The poor the greatest sufferers.