" Who would want to pass a lifetime in sterile observation, if they, apart from their duties and nature’s demands, had had to bestow their time on their country, on the unfortunate and on their friends!” — Of what use are the fine arts? They serve only as public flattery of dominant passions. “The more pleasing and the more perfect the drama, the more baneful its influence;” the theater, even with Molière, is a school of bad morals, “inasmuch as it excites deceitful souls to ridicule, in the name of comedy, the candor of artless people.” Tragedy, said to be moralizing, wastes in counterfeit effusions the little virtue that still remains. " When a man has been admiring the noble feats in the fables what more is expected of him? After paying homage to virtue is he not discharged from all that he owes to it? What more would they have him do? Must he practice it himself? He has no part to play, he is not a comedian.” — The sciences, the fine arts, the arts of luxury, philosophy, literature, all this serve only to effeminate and distract the mind; all that is only made for the small crowd of brilliant and noisy insects buzzing around the summits of society and sucking away all public substance. — As regards the sciences, but one is important, that of our duties, and, without so many subtleties and so much study, our innermost conscience suffice to show us the way. — As regards the arts and the skills, only those should be tolerated which, ministering to our prime necessities, provide us with bread to feed