Thankful's Inheritance eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 464 pages of information about Thankful's Inheritance.

Thankful's Inheritance eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 464 pages of information about Thankful's Inheritance.

Thankful was disturbed.  “I’m sorry you said anything yet awhile, Imogene,” she said.  “My plans about Jedediah are hardly made yet.  I do hate to make you lose your place, Kenelm.  If I could see my way clear to keepin’ two men I’d do it, but I declare I can’t see it.”

“That’s all right, ma’am,” said Kenelm.  “I ain’t partic’lar.”

“He don’t mind a bit, Mrs. Thankful,” put in Imogene.  “Honest, he don’t.  He don’t have to work unless he’s obliged to—­not much anyhow.  Kenelm’s got money, you know.”

“I know; at least I’ve heard he had some money.  But ’tain’t because he needs the money that I feel bad; it’s because of his engagement to you, Imogene.  I suppose you’re plannin’ to be married some time or other and—­”

“Oh, that’s all right, too,” interrupted Imogene eagerly.  “You needn’t worry about our engagement.  She needn’t worry about that, need she, Kenelm?”

“No,” said Kenelm shortly.

Captain Obed thought it time to repeat his first question.

“Where’s Miss Emily?” he asked.

“She’s in the livin’-room.”

“Is—­is anybody with her?”

Imogene nodded.  “Um-hum,” she said gleefully, “he’s there, too.”

“Who?” The captain and Thankful spoke in concert.

“Mr. John Kendrick.  I let him in and I didn’t tell her who it was at all.  She didn’t know till she went in herself and found him.  Then I came right out and shut the door.  Oh,” with another nod, “I’ve got some sense, even if I did come from the Orphans’ Home.”

Captain Obed and Thankful looked at each other.

“Then he did come here,” exclaimed Thankful.

“Course he did.  I told you he wa’n’t quite a fool.  Been there some time, has he?”

“Yes.  Shall I tell ’em you’ve come?  I’ll knock first.”

“No, no.”  Thankful’s reply was emphatic.  “Where’s the rest of the folks?” she asked.

“Georgie and Mr. Cahoon—­your brother, I mean—­have gone up to the village with the other one, the Cobb man.”

“What have they gone to the village for?”

“To help Mr. Cobb get his horse and team at Chris Badger’s.  He’s gone, you know.”

“Who’s gone?”

“Why, the Cobb one.  He’s gone home again.  I tried to get him to stay for dinner; so did Miss Emily.  We knew you’d want him to.  But he wouldn’t stay.  Said he was goin’ home.  Seemed to me he wanted to get out of the house quick as ever he could.  He gave Georgie a dollar for Christmas.”

What!” Captain Obed leaned against the corner of the house.  “A dollar!” he groaned.  “Sol Cobb gave somebody a dollar for Christmas!  Don’t pinch me, anybody; I don’t want to wake up.  Let me enjoy my dream long as I can.  Thankful, did you say Sol looked sick?”

“I said he looked pretty nearly sick when he came down this mornin’.”

“I believe it.  It must have been a mighty serious attack.  Did Georgie take the dollar with him?”

Project Gutenberg
Thankful's Inheritance from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.