Openings in the Old Trail eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 239 pages of information about Openings in the Old Trail.

Openings in the Old Trail eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 239 pages of information about Openings in the Old Trail.

“Her duds!”

“Stop, boys,” said “Clint” Grey, as a movement was made to lift the dress towards the model, “leave that to a man who knows.  What’s the use of my having left five grown-up sisters in the States if I haven’t brought a little experience away with me?  This sort of thing ain’t to be ‘pulled on’ like trousers.  No, sir!—­This is the way she’s worked.”

With considerable dexterity, unexpected gentleness, and some taste, he shook out the folds of the skirt delicately and lifted it over the dummy, settling it skillfully upon the wire hoops, and drawing the bodice over the padded shoulders.  This he then proceeded to fasten with hooks and eyes,—­a work of some patience.  Forty eager fingers stretched out to assist him, but were waved aside, with a look of pained decorum as he gravely completed his task.  Then falling back, he bade the others do the same, and they formed a contemplative semicircle before the figure.

Up to that moment a delighted but unsmiling consciousness of their own absurdities, a keen sense of the humorous possibilities of the original blunder, and a mischievous recognition of the mortification of Trigg—­whose only safety now lay in accepting the mistake in the same spirit—­had determined these grown-up schoolboys to artfully protract a joke that seemed to be providentially delivered into their hands.  But now an odd change crept on them.  The light from the open window that gave upon the enormous pines and the rolling prospect up to the dim heights of the Sierras fell upon this strange, incongruous, yet perfectly artistic figure.  For the dress was the skillful creation of a great Parisian artist, and in its exquisite harmony of color, shape, and material it not only hid the absurd model, but clothed it with an alarming grace and refinement!  A queer feeling of awe, of shame, and of unwilling admiration took possession of them.  Some of them—­from remote Western towns—­had never seen the like before; those who had had forgotten it in those five years of self-exile, of healthy independence, and of contiguity to Nature in her unaffected simplicity.  All had been familiar with the garish, extravagant, and dazzling femininity of the Californian towns and cities, but never had they known anything approaching the ideal grace of this type of exalted, even if artificial, womanhood.  And although in the fierce freedom of their little republic they had laughed to scorn such artificiality, a few yards of satin and lace cunningly fashioned, and thrown over a frame of wood and wire, touched them now with a strange sense of its superiority.  The better to show its attractions, Clinton Grey had placed the figure near a full-length, gold-framed mirror, beside a marble-topped table.  Yet how cheap and tawdry these splendors showed beside this work of art!  How cruel was the contrast of their own rough working clothes to this miracle of adornment which that same mirror reflected!  And even when Clinton Grey, the enthusiast, looked towards his beloved woods for relief, he could not help thinking of them as a more fitting frame for this strange goddess than this new house into which she had strayed.  Their gravity became real; their gibes in some strange way had vanished.

Project Gutenberg
Openings in the Old Trail from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.