The Sorrows of Young Werther eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 154 pages of information about The Sorrows of Young Werther.

The Sorrows of Young Werther eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 154 pages of information about The Sorrows of Young Werther.

March 24.

I have tendered my resignation to the court.  I hope it will be accepted, and you will forgive me for not having previously consulted you.  It is necessary I should leave this place.  I know all you will urge me to stay, and therefore I beg you will soften this news to my mother.  I am unable to do anything for myself:  how, then, should I be competent to assist others?  It will afflict her that I should have interrupted that career which would have made me first a privy councillor, and then minister, and that I should look behind me, in place of advancing.  Argue as you will, combine all the reasons which should have induced me to remain, I am going:  that is sufficient.  But, that you may not be ignorant of my destination, I may mention that the Prince of —­ is here.  He is much pleased with my company; and, having heard of my intention to resign, he has invited me to his country house, to pass the spring months with him.  I shall be left completely my own master; and, as we agree on all subjects but one, I shall try my fortune, and accompany him.

April l9.

Thanks for both your letters.  I delayed my reply, and withheld this letter, till I should obtain an answer from the court.  I feared my mother might apply to the minister to defeat my purpose.  But my request is granted, my resignation is accepted.  I shall not recount with what reluctance it was accorded, nor relate what the minister has written:  you would only renew your lamentations.  The crown prince has sent me a present of five and twenty ducats; and, indeed, such goodness has affected me to tears.  For this reason I shall not require from my mother the money for which I lately applied.

May 5.

I leave this place to-morrow; and, as my native place is only six miles from the high road, I intend to visit it once more, and recall the happy dreams of my childhood.  I shall enter at the same gate through which I came with my mother, when, after my father’s death, she left that delightful retreat to immure herself in your melancholy town.  Adieu, my dear friend:  you shall hear of my future career.

May 9.

I have paid my visit to my native place with all the devotion of a pilgrim, and have experienced many unexpected emotions.  Near the great elm tree, which is a quarter of a league from the village, I got out of the carriage, and sent it on before, that alone, and on foot, I might enjoy vividly and heartily all the pleasure of my recollections.  I stood there under that same elm which was formerly the term and object of my walks.  How things have since changed!  Then, in happy ignorance, I sighed for a world I did not know, where I hoped to find every pleasure and enjoyment which my heart could desire; and now, on my return from that wide world, O my friend, how many disappointed hopes and unsuccessful plans have I brought back!

Project Gutenberg
The Sorrows of Young Werther from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.