The Sorrows of Young Werther eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 154 pages of information about The Sorrows of Young Werther.

The Sorrows of Young Werther eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 154 pages of information about The Sorrows of Young Werther.

We were hardly seated, and the ladies had scarcely exchanged compliments, making the usual remarks upon each other’s dress, and upon the company they expected to meet, when Charlotte stopped the carriage, and made her brothers get down.  They insisted upon kissing her hands once more; which the eldest did with all the tenderness of a youth of fifteen, but the other in a lighter and more careless manner.  She desired them again to give her love to the children, and we drove off.

The aunt inquired of Charlotte whether she had finished the book she had last sent her.  “No,” said Charlotte; “I did not like it:  you can have it again.  And the one before was not much better.”  I was surprised, upon asking the title, to hear that it was ____.  (We feel obliged to suppress the passage in the letter, to prevent any one from feeling aggrieved; although no author need pay much attention to the opinion of a mere girl, or that of an unsteady young man.)

I found penetration and character in everything she said:  every expression seemed to brighten her features with new charms, —­with new rays of genius, —­ which unfolded by degrees, as she felt herself understood.

“When I was younger,” she observed, “I loved nothing so much as romances.  Nothing could equal my delight when, on some holiday, I could settle down quietly in a corner, and enter with my whole heart and soul into the joys or sorrows of some fictitious Leonora.  I do not deny that they even possess some charms for me yet.  But I read so seldom, that I prefer books suited exactly to my taste.  And I like those authors best whose scenes describe my own situation in life, —­ and the friends who are about me, whose stories touch me with interest, from resembling my own homely existence, —­ which, without being absolutely paradise, is, on the whole, a source of indescribable happiness.”

I endeavoured to conceal the emotion which these words occasioned, but it was of slight avail; for, when she had expressed so truly her opinion of “The Vicar of Wakefield,” and of other works, the names of which I omit (Though the names are omitted, yet the authors mentioned deserve Charlotte’s approbation, and will feel it in their hearts when they read this passage.  It concerns no other person.), I could no longer contain myself, but gave full utterance to what I thought of it:  and it was not until Charlotte had addressed herself to the two other ladies, that I remembered their presence, and observed them sitting mute with astonishment.  The aunt looked at me several times with an air of raillery, which, however, I did not at all mind.

We talked of the pleasures of dancing.  “If it is a fault to love it,” said Charlotte, “I am ready to confess that I prize it above all other amusements.  If anything disturbs me, I go to the piano, play an air to which I have danced, and all goes right again directly.”

Project Gutenberg
The Sorrows of Young Werther from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.