My Lady Ludlow eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 293 pages of information about My Lady Ludlow.

My Lady Ludlow eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 293 pages of information about My Lady Ludlow.

Hanbury Court is a vast red-trick house—­at least, it is cased in part with red bricks; and the gate-house and walls about the place are of brick,—­with stone facings at every corner, and door, and window, such as you see at Hampton Court.  At the back are the gables, and arched doorways, and stone mullions, which show (so Lady Ludlow used to tell us) that it was once a priory.  There was a prior’s parlour, I know—­only we called it Mrs. Medlicott’s room; and there was a tithe-barn as big as a church, and rows of fish-ponds, all got ready for the monks’ fasting-days in old time.  But all this I did not see till afterwards.  I hardly noticed, this first night, the great Virginian Creeper (said to have been the first planted in England by one of my lady’s ancestors) that half covered the front of the house.  As I had been unwilling to leave the guard of the coach, so did I now feel unwilling to leave Randal, a known friend of three hours.  But there was no help for it; in I must go; past the grand-looking old gentleman holding the door open for me, on into the great hall on the right hand, into which the sun’s last rays were sending in glorious red light,—­the gentleman was now walking before me,—­up a step on to the dais, as I afterwards learned that it was called,—­then again to the left, through a series of sitting-rooms, opening one out of another, and all of them looking into a stately garden, glowing, even in the twilight, with the bloom of flowers.  We went up four steps out of the last of these rooms, and then my guide lifted up a heavy silk curtain and I was in the presence of my Lady Ludlow.

She was very small of stature, and very upright.  She wore a great lace cap, nearly half her own height, I should think, that went round her head (caps which tied under the chin, and which we called “mobs,” came in later, and my lady held them in great contempt, saying people might as well come down in their nightcaps).  In front of my lady’s cap was a great bow of white satin ribbon; and a broad band of the same ribbon was tied tight round her head, and served to keep the cap straight.  She had a fine Indian muslin shawl folded over her shoulders and across her chest, and an apron of the same; a black silk mode gown, made with short sleeves and ruffles, and with the tail thereof pulled through the pocket-hole, so as to shorten it to a useful length:  beneath it she wore, as I could plainly see, a quilted lavender satin petticoat.  Her hair was snowy white, but I hardly saw it, it was so covered with her cap:  her skin, even at her age, was waxen in texture and tint; her eyes were large and dark blue, and must have been her great beauty when she was young, for there was nothing particular, as far as I can remember, either in mouth or nose.  She had a great gold-headed stick by her chair; but I think it was more as a mark of state and dignity than for use; for she had as light and brisk a step when she chose as any girl of fifteen, and, in her private early walk of meditation in the mornings, would go as swiftly from garden alley to garden alley as any one of us.

Project Gutenberg
My Lady Ludlow from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.